Multiclass feature selection with metaheuristic optimization algorithms: a review
Selecting relevant feature subsets is vital in machine learning, and multiclass feature
selection is harder to perform since most classifications are binary. The feature selection …
selection is harder to perform since most classifications are binary. The feature selection …
Challenges to COVID-19 vaccine supply chain: Implications for sustainable development goals
The COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the diverse challenges that supply chains face to
significant disruptions. Vaccine supply chains are no exception. Therefore, it is elemental …
significant disruptions. Vaccine supply chains are no exception. Therefore, it is elemental …
Homotopy analysis Shehu transform method for solving fuzzy differential equations of fractional and integer order derivatives
In this paper, we propose the fuzzy Shehu transform method (FSTM) using Zadeh's
decomposition theorem and fuzzy Riemann integral of real-valued functions on finite …
decomposition theorem and fuzzy Riemann integral of real-valued functions on finite …
E-learning quality and the learners' choice using spherical fuzzy analytic hierarchy process decision-making approach
E-learning in the context of Industry 4.0 and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has
transformed traditional education. However, the smooth transition from face-to-face …
transformed traditional education. However, the smooth transition from face-to-face …
Causal relationship and ranking technique (CRRT): a novel group decision-making model and application in students' performance assessment in indian high school …
In the field of multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM),“decision-making trial and
evaluation laboratory”(DEMATEL) is a popular method that has been deployed to discover …
evaluation laboratory”(DEMATEL) is a popular method that has been deployed to discover …
An application of statistical methods in data mining techniques to predict ICT implementation of enterprises
Globalization, Industry 4.0, and the dynamics of the modern business environment caused
by the pandemic have created immense challenges for enterprises across industries …
by the pandemic have created immense challenges for enterprises across industries …
[HTML][HTML] An analysis of expert-opined strategies in multi-attribute decision-making using effort propagation
Mining the interrelationships and possible hierarchical structures among the factors in real-
world multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems is considered one of the primary …
world multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems is considered one of the primary …
[PDF][PDF] Iterative Hierarchy and Ranking Process (IHRP): A Novel Effective Hierarchy Method for Densely Connected Systems and Case Study in Student Performance …
To take the vagueness of the expert opinions into account, intuitionistic fuzzy linguistics have
been used in the research work. In this paper, we propose a two-stage calculation of the …
been used in the research work. In this paper, we propose a two-stage calculation of the …
Analyzing Different Expert-Opined Strategies to Enhance the Effect on the Goal of a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making System Using a Concept of Effort Propagation and …
In many real-world multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) problems, mining the inter-
relationships and possible hierarchical structures among the factors are considered to be …
relationships and possible hierarchical structures among the factors are considered to be …
АВ Бабкин, МВ Лычагин… - Управление наукой и …, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
Введение. За последние три десятилетия в мировой экономике произошли
значительные изменения, которые нашли свое отражение в технических и социально …
значительные изменения, которые нашли свое отражение в технических и социально …