A systematic review of human resource management systems and their measurement
In the strategic human resource (HR) management literature, over the past three decades, a
shared consensus has developed that the focus should be on HR systems rather than …
shared consensus has developed that the focus should be on HR systems rather than …
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on work engagement in the hospitality industry: Test of motivation crowding theory
The aim of this study was to examine extrinsic and intrinsic motivations as the antecedents of
work engagement and to empirically test the motivation crowding theory using hospitality …
work engagement and to empirically test the motivation crowding theory using hospitality …
How employees' pro-activity translates high-commitment HRM systems into work engagement: The mediating role of job crafting
In this study, we examine whether the relationship between employees' perceptions of
human resource management (HRM) and work engagement is mediated by job crafting …
human resource management (HRM) and work engagement is mediated by job crafting …
A study on Chinese EFL teachers' work engagement: The predictability power of emotion regulation and teacher resilience
F **e - Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Employing a sequential mixed-methods design, the current study examined the role of
Chinese EFL teachers' emotion regulation and resilience in predicting their work …
Chinese EFL teachers' emotion regulation and resilience in predicting their work …
Teachers' sense of responsibility for educational outcomes and its associations with teachers' instructional approaches and professional wellbeing
MC Matteucci, D Guglielmi, F Lauermann - Social Psychology of …, 2017 - Springer
Teachers' formal accountability and duties have been the focus of high-stakes educational
reforms, for instance in the context of national accountability systems. Yet, teachers' sense of …
reforms, for instance in the context of national accountability systems. Yet, teachers' sense of …
Using structural equation modeling to examine the relationship between Ghanaian teachers' emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, professional identity, and work …
The purpose of the study was to examine the causal relationship between teachers'
emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, professional identity, and work engagement. And to …
emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, professional identity, and work engagement. And to …
How can schools and teachers benefit from human resources management? Conceptualising HRM from content and process perspectives
P Runhaar - Educational Management Administration & …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The necessity for schools to implement human resources management (HRM) is
increasingly acknowledged. Specifically, HRM holds the potential of increasing student …
increasingly acknowledged. Specifically, HRM holds the potential of increasing student …
Relationship BetweenTeacher Motivation and Organizational Variables: ALiterature Review
Teacher motivation plays a central role in education because ofitsimpacton student
motivation. Previous reviews of teacher motivation have focused on individual variables and …
motivation. Previous reviews of teacher motivation have focused on individual variables and …
The influence of management on teacher well-being and the development of sustainable schools
Teaching is one of the professions with the highest levels of stress and disquiet at work,
having a negative impact on teachers' well-being and performance. Thus, well-being is one …
having a negative impact on teachers' well-being and performance. Thus, well-being is one …
What drives teacher engagement: A study of different age cohorts
D Guglielmi, I Bruni, S Simbula, F Fraccaroli… - European Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
Despite the growing body of research on work engagement, little is known about what drives
work engagement among different age cohorts. This study aims to investigate whether …
work engagement among different age cohorts. This study aims to investigate whether …