Putting framing in perspective: A review of framing and frame analysis across the management and organizational literature
There are few constructs that are as ubiquitous across traditions of management and
organizational research, and indeed the social sciences more generally, as that of frame or …
organizational research, and indeed the social sciences more generally, as that of frame or …
Entrepreneurial opportunities and the entrepreneurship nexus: A re-conceptualization
P Davidsson - Journal of business venturing, 2015 - Elsevier
The literature on “entrepreneurial opportunities” has grown rapidly since the publication of
Shane and Venkataraman (2000). By directing attention to the earliest stages of …
Shane and Venkataraman (2000). By directing attention to the earliest stages of …
Knowledge sharing in supply chain networks: Effects of collaborative innovation activities and capability on innovation performance
C Wang, Q Hu - Technovation, 2020 - Elsevier
Building on knowledge management and innovation capability theories, this paper aims to
reveal the mechanisms of collaborative innovation processes by investigating the complex …
reveal the mechanisms of collaborative innovation processes by investigating the complex …
Circularity brokers: Digital platform organizations and waste recovery in food supply chains
In recent years, researchers and practitioners have increasingly paid attention to food waste,
which is seen as highly unethical given its negative environmental and societal implications …
which is seen as highly unethical given its negative environmental and societal implications …
A review of interorganizational collaboration dynamics
A selected review of the research literature on qualitative case studies describing
interorganizational collaborations (IOCs) yielded 22 longitudinal cases that address …
interorganizational collaborations (IOCs) yielded 22 longitudinal cases that address …
Composing qualitative process research
Qualitative process research is becoming increasingly popular, yet authors often struggle
with creating an effective write-up. Process articles must demonstrate a close-knit link …
with creating an effective write-up. Process articles must demonstrate a close-knit link …
Understanding communities of practice: Taking stock and moving forward
This paper provides a comprehensive, integrative conceptual review of work on
“communities of practice”(CoPs), defined broadly as groups of people bound together by a …
“communities of practice”(CoPs), defined broadly as groups of people bound together by a …
A pluralistic perspective to overcome major blind spots in research on interorganizational relationships
Interorganizational relationships have attracted much scholarly attention in the last two
decades. Despite the significant advances made in this field, the literature still largely relies …
decades. Despite the significant advances made in this field, the literature still largely relies …
Technological frames in the digital age: Theory, measurement instrument, and future research areas
Digital technologies fuel technological change that generates substantial uncertainty and
complexity. Corporate actors rely on their technological frames to cope with these …
complexity. Corporate actors rely on their technological frames to cope with these …
Learning in coopetition: Alliance orientation, network size, and firm types
Coopetition can provide access to competitors' valuable knowledge. However, coopetition
has high opportunism risks; therefore, firms aim to protect their own knowledge against …
has high opportunism risks; therefore, firms aim to protect their own knowledge against …