[КНИГА][B] Queer media in China

H Bao - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This book examines different forms and practices of queer media, that is, the films, websites,
zines, and film festivals produced by, for, and about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and …

[КНИГА][B] Queering Chinese kinship: Queer public culture in globalizing China

L Song - 2021 - books.google.com
What does it mean to be queer in a Confucian society in which kinship roles, ties, and
ideologies are of such great importance? This book makes sense of queer cultures in China …

Chinese gay men pursuing online fame: Erotic reputation and internet celebrity economies

S Wang - Feminist Media Studies, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article examines Chinese gay men pursuing fame and money (gifts and payments
made online) on livestreaming apps. In online discourse, such men have come to be known …

Perceptions and experiences of sexual violence among Chinese men who have sex with men in Hong Kong

EPH Choi, JYY Kwok, KWY Choi, JJ Lee… - Journal of Advanced …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Aim This study aimed to understand the perceptions and experiences of sexual violence
among Chinese men who have sex with men (MSM) in Hong Kong. Design The study …

Transgressive play and the inherent limits of business growth for China's LGBTQ platforms: the case of a social game in Aloha

S Wang - Social Media+ Society, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Since 2016, China's online LGBTQ platforms, such as Blued and Aloha, have been seeking
to increase user acquisition and retention by introducing new functionalities to their …

Wanghong e-commerce in/as China's economic transformation: A case study of beauty wanghong

Z Guan, OT Zhou - Global Media and China, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
This article examines the crucial encounter between wanghong and e-commerce in the
specific process of China's platformization. We develop a threefold (macro-meso-micro) …

Queer Identity Negotiation in Taiwanese Tongzhi's Relationships with Mainland Gay Men in China

W Luo - International Journal of Communication, 2024 - ijoc.org
In this study, I conducted in-depth interviews with 27 participants to examine how tongzhi
from Taiwan, a sexually liberal society, manage sexual identity conflicts when dating gay …

Communicating 'race'in a digitized gay China

OT Zhou - Queer Sites in Global Contexts, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This essay examines the racial politics of gay online-dating in China, focusing on how online
communication (re) shapes gay men's ideas about race, sexuality, and identity. By looking …

“Not All Black Guys are Tops”: Pushing Back against Racist Sexual Stereotypes Surrounding the Black Male Body on Gay Dating Apps

R Celaire - LGBTQ Digital Cultures, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
As we become more glued to our screens and the digital world which flows from it, we begin
to see a world full of opportunity, and a place in which to express one's self and find …

Queer Motherly Fantasy

PK Wei - Queer TV China, 2023 - degruyter.com
Asia-Pacific superstar chart on Weibo. In reciprocity, Saintsup also publicly acknowledges
his “Chinese moms” for their tremendous support, and increasingly gears towards the …