A tutorial on extremely large-scale MIMO for 6G: Fundamentals, signal processing, and applications
Extremely large-scale multiple-input-multiple-output (XL-MIMO), which offers vast spatial
degrees of freedom, has emerged as a potentially pivotal enabling technology for the sixth …
degrees of freedom, has emerged as a potentially pivotal enabling technology for the sixth …
Holographic MIMO communications: Theoretical foundations, enabling technologies, and future directions
Future wireless systems are envisioned to create an endogenously holography-capable,
intelligent, and programmable radio propagation environment, that will offer unprecedented …
intelligent, and programmable radio propagation environment, that will offer unprecedented …
Stacked intelligent metasurfaces for efficient holographic MIMO communications in 6G
A revolutionary technology relying on Stacked Intelligent Metasurfaces (SIM) is capable of
carrying out advanced signal processing directly in the native electromagnetic (EM) wave …
carrying out advanced signal processing directly in the native electromagnetic (EM) wave …
An overview of signal processing techniques for RIS/IRS-aided wireless systems
In the past as well as present wireless communication systems, the wireless propagation
environment is regarded as an uncontrollable black box that impairs the received signal …
environment is regarded as an uncontrollable black box that impairs the received signal …
Energy efficiency maximization in RIS-assisted SWIPT networks with RSMA: A PPO-based approach
This paper investigates reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted simultaneous
wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) networks with rate splitting multiple access …
wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) networks with rate splitting multiple access …
6G wireless communications networks: A comprehensive survey
The commercial fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications networks have already been
deployed with the aim of providing high data rates. However, the rapid growth in the number …
deployed with the aim of providing high data rates. However, the rapid growth in the number …
A survey on channel estimation and practical passive beamforming design for intelligent reflecting surface aided wireless communications
Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) has emerged as a key enabling technology to realize
smart and reconfigurable radio environment for wireless communications, by digitally …
smart and reconfigurable radio environment for wireless communications, by digitally …
Intelligent surfaces empowered wireless network: Recent advances and the road to 6G
Intelligent surfaces (ISs) have emerged as a key technology to empower a wide range of
appealing applications for wireless networks, due to their low cost, high energy efficiency …
appealing applications for wireless networks, due to their low cost, high energy efficiency …
A survey on STAR-RIS: Use cases, recent advances, and future research challenges
The recent development of metasurfaces, which may enable several use cases by modifying
the propagation environment, is anticipated to substantially affect the performance of sixth …
the propagation environment, is anticipated to substantially affect the performance of sixth …
Five facets of 6G: Research challenges and opportunities
While the fifth-generation systems are being rolled out across the globe, researchers have
turned their attention to the exploration of radical next-generation solutions. At this early …
turned their attention to the exploration of radical next-generation solutions. At this early …