A Dağ - Academic Journal of Philosophy/Felsefi Düşün, 2017 - muharrembalci.com
Human being as an ill-pleased with the condition, the space and the mental process has
always found itself in a quest and adventure since his beginning or creation. As a matter of …
always found itself in a quest and adventure since his beginning or creation. As a matter of …
[КНИГА][B] Liberale Eugenik
R Ranisch - 2019 - Springer
Ich ergreife gern die Gelegenheit, dieses Buch auf seinem Weg in die Öffentlichkeit zu
begleiten. Denn dieses Werk kann als ein vorbildliches Beispiel dafür gelten, wie die Mittel …
begleiten. Denn dieses Werk kann als ein vorbildliches Beispiel dafür gelten, wie die Mittel …
Ex Machina and the Fate of Posthuman Masculinity: The Technical Death of Man
M Matthews - Journal of Posthuman Studies, 2018 - scholarlypublishingcollective.org
ABSTRACT In The Posthuman, Rosi Braidotti asks the essential question,“Where does the
posthuman condition leave humanity?”(3). I propose that embedded within this question is …
posthuman condition leave humanity?”(3). I propose that embedded within this question is …
Transhümanizm Karşisinda Hukuk Devleti İdeali
HA Çıtak - İnsan Hakları Yıllığı, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Transhümanizm, bilim ve teknoloji vasıtasıyla homo sapiens türünün biyolojik ve bilişsel
sınırlarını aşmayı hedefleyen felsefî, sosyal ve siyasî bir harekettir. Transhümanistlerin …
sınırlarını aşmayı hedefleyen felsefî, sosyal ve siyasî bir harekettir. Transhümanistlerin …
Этапы становления постгуманизма. К постановке проблемы
ЕГ Грибовод - Дискурс-Пи, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
В условиях экономической нестабильности, распространения вызовов и угроз как
техногенного, эпидемиологического, так и информационно-коммуникационного …
техногенного, эпидемиологического, так и информационно-коммуникационного …
Freedom as an Issue in the Context of Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization, and Robotics (AIDR)
A Dağ - Ilahiyat Studies, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Historically, the notion that knowledge and technology enhance human freedom has been
accepted since the Renaissance. In fact, it cannot be ignored that “freedom” developed …
accepted since the Renaissance. In fact, it cannot be ignored that “freedom” developed …
Maschinenethik und Trans-und Posthumanismus
J Loh - Handbuch Maschinenethik, 2019 - Springer
Trans-und Posthumanismus sind zwei heterogene Strömungen, die Diskurse aus der
Philosophie, den Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaften, den Neurowissenschaften, der …
Philosophie, den Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaften, den Neurowissenschaften, der …
Fictions and Theories of the Posthuman: From Creature to Concept
C Guesse - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Amongst the countless stages that have led to the existence of the artefact that now lies in
your hands (or, most probably, appears on your screen), one of the most challenging has …
your hands (or, most probably, appears on your screen), one of the most challenging has …
Moral risks and government policy in South Africa in the context of 4IR
J Ostrowick - South African Journal of Philosophy, 2021 - journals.co.za
South Africa, among other nations in Africa, most notably Kenya, Nigeria and Rwanda, is
aiming to take a lead in the implementation of policy intended to address the challenges …
aiming to take a lead in the implementation of policy intended to address the challenges …
[HTML][HTML] El ciborg en el umbral de la humanidad: redefiniendo la persona natural
HM Amorim, RC Cardoso - Revista de Bioética y Derecho, 2019 - SciELO Espana
É a pessoa que inaugura a existência jurídica do ser: sem ela é difícil se chegar a acordos
acerca das especificidades de direitos e deveres. No entremeio dessa relação, o …
acerca das especificidades de direitos e deveres. No entremeio dessa relação, o …