[HTML][HTML] Sliding mode control of wind energy conversion systems: Trends and applications
Motivated by the increasing concerns over environmental challenges such as global
warming and exhaustion of fossil-fuel reserves, the renewable energy industry has become …
warming and exhaustion of fossil-fuel reserves, the renewable energy industry has become …
Terminal sliding mode control–an overview
Sliding mode control (SMC) has been a very popular control technology due to its simplicity
and robustness against uncertainties and disturbances since its inception more than 60 …
and robustness against uncertainties and disturbances since its inception more than 60 …
[HTML][HTML] Fast terminal sliding control of underactuated robotic systems based on disturbance observer with experimental validation
In this study, a novel fast terminal sliding mode control technique based on the disturbance
observer is recommended for the stabilization of underactuated robotic systems. The finite …
observer is recommended for the stabilization of underactuated robotic systems. The finite …
PI parameter tuning of converters for sub-synchronous interactions existing in grid-connected DFIG wind turbines
As a clean energy, wind power has been extensively exploited in the past few years.
However, oscillations in wind turbines, particularly those from controllers, could severely …
However, oscillations in wind turbines, particularly those from controllers, could severely …
[HTML][HTML] Wind energy integration: Dynamic modeling and control of DFIG based on super twisting fractional order terminal sliding mode controller
The stator voltage and frequency variations of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) make it
impossible to maintain direct connection to the power grid Moreover, uncertainty, inequity …
impossible to maintain direct connection to the power grid Moreover, uncertainty, inequity …
Sliding mode extremum seeking control based on improved invasive weed optimization for MPPT in wind energy conversion system
L Hu, F Xue, Z Qin, J Shi, W Qiao, W Yang, T Yang - Applied energy, 2019 - Elsevier
The sliding mode extremum seeking control (SMESC) could track the maximum power point
(MPP) of wind energy conversion system (WECS) without wind speed or wind turbine …
(MPP) of wind energy conversion system (WECS) without wind speed or wind turbine …
Adaptive fractional order terminal sliding mode control of a doubly fed induction generator-based wind energy system
The dynamic model of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind energy system is
subjected to nonlinear dynamics, uncertainties, and external disturbances. In the presence …
subjected to nonlinear dynamics, uncertainties, and external disturbances. In the presence …
Real‐time neural sliding mode field oriented control for a DFIG‐based wind turbine under balanced and unbalanced grid conditions
This study proposes a real‐time sliding mode field oriented control for a doubly‐fed
induction generator (DFIG)‐based wind turbine prototype connected to the grid. The …
induction generator (DFIG)‐based wind turbine prototype connected to the grid. The …
Robust sliding mode H∞ controller of DFIG based on variable speed wind energy conversion system
In this study, a Sliding Mode (SM) methodology combined with a robust H∞ control scheme
(SM-H∞) was proposed to control the stator active and reactive power generated by the …
(SM-H∞) was proposed to control the stator active and reactive power generated by the …
Mathematical modeling and control of DFIG‐based wind energy system by using optimized linear quadratic regulator weight matrices
This paper deals with a genetic algorithm (GA)–based linear quadratic regulator (LQR)
controller to improve the dynamic response, stability, and robustness of the doubly fed …
controller to improve the dynamic response, stability, and robustness of the doubly fed …