The cellular and physiological basis for lung repair and regeneration: past, present, and future
The respiratory system, which includes the trachea, airways, and distal alveoli, is a complex
multi-cellular organ that intimately links with the cardiovascular system to accomplish gas …
multi-cellular organ that intimately links with the cardiovascular system to accomplish gas …
ECM and epithelial stem cells: the scaffold of destiny
S Estrach, CM Vivier, CC Féral - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental …, 2024 -
Adult stem cells play a critical role in maintaining tissue homeostasis and promoting
longevity. The intricate organization and presence of common markers among adult …
longevity. The intricate organization and presence of common markers among adult …
Diversity of interstitial lung fibroblasts is regulated by platelet-derived growth factor receptor α kinase activity
Epithelial–mesenchymal cell interactions and factors that control normal lung development
are key players in lung injury, repair, and fibrosis. A number of studies have investigated the …
are key players in lung injury, repair, and fibrosis. A number of studies have investigated the …
[HTML][HTML] VAPIng into ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome and cardiopulmonary failure
Abstract “Modern” va** involving battery-operated electronic devices began
approximately one dozen years and has quickly evolved into a multibillion dollar industry …
approximately one dozen years and has quickly evolved into a multibillion dollar industry …
Adult lung stem cells and their contribution to lung tumourigenesis
The isolation and characterization of lung stem and progenitor cells represent an important
step towards the understanding of lung repair after injury, lung disease pathogenesis and …
step towards the understanding of lung repair after injury, lung disease pathogenesis and …
Concise review: Deconstructing the lung to reveal its regenerative potential
Despite burgeoning interest in the potential of cellular therapies in lung regenerative
medicine, progress in delivering these therapies has been confounded by a lack of …
medicine, progress in delivering these therapies has been confounded by a lack of …
Amnion epithelial cells as a candidate therapy for acute and chronic lung injury
Acute and chronic lung injury represents a major and growing global burden of disease. For
many of these lung diseases, the damage is irreparable, exhausting the host's ability to …
many of these lung diseases, the damage is irreparable, exhausting the host's ability to …
Interrupted reprogramming of alveolar type II cells induces progenitor-like cells that ameliorate pulmonary fibrosis
We describe here an interrupted reprogramming strategy to generate “induced progenitor-
like (iPL) cells” from alveolar epithelial type II (AEC-II) cells. A carefully defined period of …
like (iPL) cells” from alveolar epithelial type II (AEC-II) cells. A carefully defined period of …
Lung stem cells: do they exist?
Recognition of the potential of stem cell‐based therapies for alleviating intractable lung
diseases has provided the impetus for research aimed at identifying regenerative cells in the …
diseases has provided the impetus for research aimed at identifying regenerative cells in the …
The promise of stem cells in bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic lung disease of prematurity, which affects
very preterm infants. Advances in perinatal care have enabled the survival of infants born as …
very preterm infants. Advances in perinatal care have enabled the survival of infants born as …