From “sense of number” to “sense of magnitude”: The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition

T Leibovich, N Katzin, M Harel… - Behavioral and Brain …, 2017 -
In this review, we are pitting two theories against each other: the more accepted theory, the
number sense theory, suggesting that a sense of number is innate and non-symbolic …

The neural representation of sequences: from transition probabilities to algebraic patterns and linguistic trees

S Dehaene, F Meyniel, C Wacongne, L Wang, C Pallier - Neuron, 2015 -
A sequence of images, sounds, or words can be stored at several levels of detail, from
specific items and their timing to abstract structure. We propose a taxonomy of five distinct …

[KNJIGA][B] Apprendre!: les talents du cerveau, le défi des machines

S Dehaene - 2018 -
Un socle génétique, notre ADN (acide désoxyribonucléique), composé de trois milliards de
paires de nucléotides1, sorte de «gros œuvre» qui détermine la mise en place d'un réseau …

A category-free neural population supports evolving demands during decision-making

D Raposo, MT Kaufman, AK Churchland - Nature neuroscience, 2014 -
The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) receives diverse inputs and is involved in a dizzying
array of behaviors. These many behaviors could rely on distinct categories of neurons …

The neuronal code for number

A Nieder - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2016 -
Humans and non-human primates share an elemental quantification system that resides in a
dedicated neural network in the parietal and frontal lobes. In this cortical network,'number …

Sensory-integration system rather than approximate number system underlies numerosity processing: A critical review

T Gebuis, RC Kadosh, W Gevers - Acta psychologica, 2016 - Elsevier
It is widely accepted that human and nonhuman species possess a specialized system to
process large approximate numerosities. The theory of an evolutionarily ancient …

Topographic representation of numerosity in the human parietal cortex

BM Harvey, BP Klein, N Petridou, SO Dumoulin - Science, 2013 -
Numerosity, the set size of a group of items, is processed by the association cortex, but
certain aspects mirror the properties of primary senses. Sensory cortices contain …

[KNJIGA][B] How we learn: The new science of education and the brain

S Dehaene - 2020 -
Humanity's greatest feat is our incredible ability to learn. Even in their first year, infants
acquire language, visual and social knowledge at a rate that surpasses the best …

Spontaneous perception of numerosity in humans

GM Cicchini, G Anobile, DC Burr - Nature communications, 2016 -
Humans, including infants, and many other species have a capacity for rapid, nonverbal
estimation of numerosity. However, the mechanisms for number perception are still not clear; …

Number as a primary perceptual attribute: A review

G Anobile, GM Cicchini, DC Burr - Perception, 2016 -
Although humans are the only species to possess language-driven abstract mathematical
capacities, we share with many other animals a nonverbal capacity for estimating quantities …