Probabilistic models in information retrieval

N Fuhr - The computer journal, 1992 -
In this paper, an introduction and survey over probabilistic information retrieval (IR) is given.
First, the basic concepts of this approach are described: the probability-ranking principle …

A probabilistic relational algebra for the integration of information retrieval and database systems

N Fuhr, T Rölleke - ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 1997 -
We present a probabilistic relational algebra (PRA) which is a generalization of standard
relational algebra. In PRA, tuples are assigned probabilistic weights giving the probability …

An introduction to the fuzzy set and possibility theory-based treatment of flexible queries and uncertain or imprecise databases

P Bosc, H Prade - Uncertainty Management in Information Systems: From …, 1997 - Springer
The information to be stored in databases is not always precise and certain, and,
occasionally, some information might be missing altogether. 1 When the available …

Optimizing queries over multimedia repositories

S Chaudhuri, L Gravano - Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD …, 1996 -
Repositories of multimedia objects having multiple types of attributes (eg, image, text) are
becoming increasingly common. A selection on these attributes will typically produce not just …

Optimizing top-k selection queries over multimedia repositories

S Chaudhuri, L Gravano… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2004 -
Repositories of multimedia objects having multiple types of attributes (eg, image, text) are
becoming increasingly common. A query on these attributes will typically, request not just a …

Dynamical Relativistic Effects in Quasielastic -Shell Proton Knockout from

J Gao, BD Anderson, KA Aniol, L Auerbach, FT Baker… - Physical Review Letters, 2000 - APS
We have measured the cross section for quasielastic 1 p-shell proton knockout in the 16 O
(e, e′ p) reaction at ω= 0.439 GeV and Q 2= 0.8 (GeV/c) 2 for missing momentum P miss≤ …

Fuzzy databases

P Bosc, BB Buckles, FE Petry, O Pivert - Fuzzy sets in approximate …, 1999 - Springer
This chapter will present the use of fuzzy set theory in databases. Particular emphasis is on
the relational data model and possibility and similarity based approaches to representation …

Learning algorithm for ranking on graph data

S Agarwal - US Patent 8,332,333, 2012 - Google Patents
Described are techniques for ranking a data set of objects. A graph representing the data set
is provided. Examples of ranking preferences are provided for a portion of objects in the data …

[PDF][PDF] Fuzzy queries and relational databases

P Bosc, O Pivert - Proceedings of the 1994 ACM symposium on Applied …, 1994 -
In this paper, the interest of fuzzy sets and possibility theory in the context of databases is
presented. It is shown that these" notions provide an homogeneous framework for both the …

The Manchester multimedia information system

C Goble, M O'Docherty, P Crowther, M Ireton… - Advances in Database …, 1992 - Springer
A Multimedia Information System (MMIS) is a repository for all types of electronically
representable data [4]. Conventional databases provide a large set of operations for retrieval …