[HTML][HTML] A conservation genomics workflow to guide practical management actions
Owing to decreasing costs and increased efficiency, it is now conceivable that conservation
genomic information can be used to improve the effectiveness of recovery programs for …
genomic information can be used to improve the effectiveness of recovery programs for …
Home gardens contribute to conservation of the critically endangered Wollemi pine: Evaluation of a botanic garden‐led horticultural release programme
Societal Impact Statement Botanic gardens play a leading role in conserving plant species
worldwide. Wollemi Pine, a critically endangered species described as new to science in …
worldwide. Wollemi Pine, a critically endangered species described as new to science in …
Why some 'inbreeder'species among mostly outbreeders? conifer examples, a postulate, and research agenda
Breeding systems vary widely in plants, but mostly cluster towards outbreeding or
inbreeding extremes. Conifers, which are woody and generally long-lived perennials, are …
inbreeding extremes. Conifers, which are woody and generally long-lived perennials, are …
Ex situ conservation of large and small plant populations illustrates limitations of common conservation metrics
Premise of research. Ex situ plant conservation can be improved through genetic analysis.
One area of interest is the relative value of conserving smaller or larger populations and how …
One area of interest is the relative value of conserving smaller or larger populations and how …
Ecology and conservation of a living fossil: Australias Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis)
BDE Mackenzie, SW Clarke, HC Zimmer, ECY Liew… - 2021 - ecoevorxiv.org
The iconic Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) is a critically endangered Australian conifer and
one of the world's rarest trees with only 46 mature individuals remaining in the wild. The …
one of the world's rarest trees with only 46 mature individuals remaining in the wild. The …
A new byciclic monoterpene glucoside and a new biflavone from the male reproduction organs of Wollemia nobilis
In this work, the fifth part of an ongoing phytochemical study on Wollemia nobilis was
reported. The attention was now focused on the male reproduction organs of which the …
reported. The attention was now focused on the male reproduction organs of which the …
Experimental induction of resins as a tool to understand variability in ambers
Amber is chiefly known as a preservational medium of biological inclusions, but it is itself a
chemofossil, comprised of fossilised plant resin. The chemistry of today's resins has been …
chemofossil, comprised of fossilised plant resin. The chemistry of today's resins has been …
[HTML][HTML] In situ pollen diversity in the relict conifer Wollemia nobilis
Pollen of the rare endemic Australian conifer Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae) has been
reported to have quite variable features and has been linked to the dispersed fossil pollen …
reported to have quite variable features and has been linked to the dispersed fossil pollen …
A range-wide analysis of population structure and genomic variation within the critically endangered spiny daisy (Acanthocladium dockeri)
Understanding population structure and genetic diversity is important for designing effective
conservation strategies. As a critically endangered shrub, the six remaining extant …
conservation strategies. As a critically endangered shrub, the six remaining extant …
Managing biological invasions: The impact of exotic diseases on plant communities in Australia
Australia's unique flora has evolved in isolation from many of the world's major plant
pathogens. As these pathogens have made their way into Australia, their impact on plant …
pathogens. As these pathogens have made their way into Australia, their impact on plant …