The role of prefrontal cortex in cognitive control and executive function
Abstract Concepts of cognitive control (CC) and executive function (EF) are defined in terms
of their relationships with goal-directed behavior versus habits and controlled versus …
of their relationships with goal-directed behavior versus habits and controlled versus …
The unity and diversity of executive functions: A systematic review and re-analysis of latent variable studies.
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has been frequently applied to executive function
measurement since first used to identify a three-factor model of inhibition, updating, and …
measurement since first used to identify a three-factor model of inhibition, updating, and …
Unity and diversity of executive functions: Individual differences as a window on cognitive structure
Executive functions (EFs) are high-level cognitive processes, often associated with the
frontal lobes, that control lower level processes in the service of goal-directed behavior …
frontal lobes, that control lower level processes in the service of goal-directed behavior …
Neural perspectives on cognitive control development during childhood and adolescence
EA Crone, N Steinbeis - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2017 - cell.com
Since the discovery that patients with damage to the prefrontal cortex (PFC) show similar
deficits in cognitive control as young children, the PFC model of cognitive control …
deficits in cognitive control as young children, the PFC model of cognitive control …
Pathways from socioeconomic status to early academic achievement: The role of specific executive functions
Among the many factors contributing to the SES-achievement gap, executive function (EF)
skills have received a considerable amount of attention, given their role in supporting …
skills have received a considerable amount of attention, given their role in supporting …
Mediating and moderating effects of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between social media addiction and phubbing
Presently, social media is widely used worldwide among different populations. Therefore,
phubbing rapidly became a popular phenomenon in our daily life. However, little is known …
phubbing rapidly became a popular phenomenon in our daily life. However, little is known …
Do rating and task measures of control abilities assess the same thing?
The ability to control one's thoughts and actions is broadly associated with health and
success, so it is unsurprising that measuring self-control abilities is a common goal across …
success, so it is unsurprising that measuring self-control abilities is a common goal across …
Resting-state networks predict individual differences in common and specific aspects of executive function
The goal of the present study was to examine relationships between individual differences in
resting state functional connectivity as ascertained by fMRI (rs-fcMRI) and performance on …
resting state functional connectivity as ascertained by fMRI (rs-fcMRI) and performance on …
For better or for worse? Positive and negative parental influences on young children's executive function
Despite rapidly growing research on parental influences on children's executive function
(EF), the uniqueness and specificity of parental predictors and links between adult EF and …
(EF), the uniqueness and specificity of parental predictors and links between adult EF and …
The factor structure of executive function in childhood and adolescence
Executive functioning (EF) plays a major role in many domains of human behaviour,
including self-regulation, academic achievement, and even sports expertise. While a …
including self-regulation, academic achievement, and even sports expertise. While a …