Learning loss for active learning
The performance of deep neural networks improves with more annotated data. The problem
is that the budget for annotation is limited. One solution to this is active learning, where a …
is that the budget for annotation is limited. One solution to this is active learning, where a …
Multiple instance active learning for object detection
Despite the substantial progress of active learning for image recognition, there still lacks an
instance-level active learning method specified for object detection. In this paper, we …
instance-level active learning method specified for object detection. In this paper, we …
Influence selection for active learning
The existing active learning methods select the samples by evaluating the sample's
uncertainty or its effect on the diversity of labeled datasets based on different task-specific or …
uncertainty or its effect on the diversity of labeled datasets based on different task-specific or …
Consistency-based semi-supervised active learning: Towards minimizing labeling cost
Active learning (AL) combines data labeling and model training to minimize the labeling cost
by prioritizing the selection of high value data that can best improve model performance. In …
by prioritizing the selection of high value data that can best improve model performance. In …
The unreasonable effectiveness of noisy data for fine-grained recognition
Current approaches for fine-grained recognition do the following: First, recruit experts to
annotate a dataset of images, optionally also collecting more structured data in the form of …
annotate a dataset of images, optionally also collecting more structured data in the form of …
Task-aware variational adversarial active learning
Often, labeling large amount of data is challenging due to high labeling cost limiting the
application domain of deep learning techniques. Active learning (AL) tackles this by …
application domain of deep learning techniques. Active learning (AL) tackles this by …
State-relabeling adversarial active learning
Active learning is to design label-efficient algorithms by sampling the most representative
samples to be labeled by an oracle. In this paper, we propose a state relabeling adversarial …
samples to be labeled by an oracle. In this paper, we propose a state relabeling adversarial …
Active image segmentation propagation
We propose a semi-automatic method to obtain foreground object masks for a large set of
related images. We develop a stagewise active approach to propagation: in each stage, we …
related images. We develop a stagewise active approach to propagation: in each stage, we …
A survey on large-scale machine learning
Machine learning can provide deep insights into data, allowing machines to make high-
quality predictions and having been widely used in real-world applications, such as text …
quality predictions and having been widely used in real-world applications, such as text …
Exploring representativeness and informativeness for active learning
How can we find a general way to choose the most suitable samples for training a classifier?
Even with very limited prior information? Active learning, which can be regarded as an …
Even with very limited prior information? Active learning, which can be regarded as an …