The effects of a double blind, placebo controlled, artificial food colourings and benzoate preservative challenge on hyperactivity in a general population sample of …

B Bateman, JO Warner, E Hutchinson… - Archives of disease in …, 2004 -
Aims: To determine whether artificial food colourings and a preservative in the diet of 3 year
old children in the general population influence hyperactive behaviour. Methods: A sample …

The XML and semantic web worlds: technologies, interoperability and integration: a survey of the state of the art

N Bikakis, C Tsinaraki, N Gioldasis… - Semantic hyper …, 2013 - Springer
In the context of the emergent Web of Data, a large number of organizations, institutes and
companies (eg, DBpedia, ACM, IEEE, IBM, NASA, BBC, etc.) adopt the Linked Data …

RDF 1.1: Knowledge representation and data integration language for the Web

D Tomaszuk, D Hyland-Wood - Symmetry, 2020 -
Resource Description Framework (RDF) can seen as a solution in today's landscape of
knowledge representation research. An RDF language has symmetrical features because …

Map** between RDF and XML with XSPARQL

S Bischof, S Decker, T Krennwallner, N Lopes… - Journal on Data …, 2012 - Springer
Abstract One promise of Semantic Web applications is to seamlessly deal with
heterogeneous data. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) has become widely adopted …

SPARQL query rewriting for implementing data integration over linked data

G Correndo, M Salvadores, I Millard, H Glaser… - Proceedings of the …, 2010 -
There has been lately an increased activity of publishing structured data in RDF due to the
activity of the Linked Data community. The presence on the Web of such a huge information …

[PDF][PDF] An approach for semantic integration of heterogeneous data sources

G Fusco, L Aversano - PeerJ Computer Science, 2020 -
Integrating data from multiple heterogeneous data sources entails dealing with data
distributed among heterogeneous information sources, which can be structured, semi …

SPARQL-RW: transparent query access over mapped RDF data sources

K Makris, N Bikakis, N Gioldasis… - Proceedings of the 15th …, 2012 -
The Web of Data is an open environment consisting of very large, inter-linked RDF datasets
from various domains (eg, DBpedia, GeoNames, ACM, PubMed, etc.) accessed through …

Ontology Map** and SPARQL Rewriting for Querying Federated RDF Data Sources: (Short Paper)

K Makris, N Gioldasis, N Bikakis… - On the Move to …, 2010 - Springer
The web of data consists of distributed, diverse (in terms of schema adopted), and large RDF
datasets. In this paper we present a SPARQL query rewriting method which can be used to …

The query translation landscape: a survey

MN Mami, D Graux, H Thakkar, S Scerri, S Auer… - ar**, Schema Transformation and Query Translation to Integrate XML and the Semantic Web
N Bikakis, C Tsinaraki, I Stavrakantonakis, N Gioldasis… - World Wide Web, 2015 - Springer
In the context of the emergent Web of Data, a large number of organizations, institutes and
companies (eg, DBpedia, Data. gov, GeoNames, PubMed) adopt the Linked Data practices …