A tutorial on the design, experimentation and application of metaheuristic algorithms to real-world optimization problems
In the last few years, the formulation of real-world optimization problems and their efficient
solution via metaheuristic algorithms has been a catalyst for a myriad of research studies. In …
solution via metaheuristic algorithms has been a catalyst for a myriad of research studies. In …
The automatic design of parameter adaptation techniques for differential evolution with genetic programming
This study proposes a technique aimed at the automatic search for parameter adaptation
strategies in a differential evolution algorithm with genetic programming symbolic …
strategies in a differential evolution algorithm with genetic programming symbolic …
[PDF][PDF] A review of hyper-heuristic frameworks
P Ryser-Welch, JF Miller - Proceedings of the evo20 workshop, aisb, 2014 - academia.edu
Hyper-heuristic frameworks have emerged out of the shadows of meta-heuristic techniques.
In this very active field, new frameworks are developed all the time. Shared common …
In this very active field, new frameworks are developed all the time. Shared common …
Drone Squadron Optimization: a novel self-adaptive algorithm for global numerical optimization
Abstract This paper proposes Drone Squadron Optimization (DSO), a new self-adaptive
metaheuristic for global numerical optimization which is updated online by a hyper-heuristic …
metaheuristic for global numerical optimization which is updated online by a hyper-heuristic …
A hyper-heuristic approach to automated generation of mutation operators for evolutionary programming
Evolutionary programming can solve black-box function optimisation problems by evolving a
population of numerical vectors. The variation component in the evolutionary process is …
population of numerical vectors. The variation component in the evolutionary process is …
[HTML][HTML] Neuroevolution for parameter adaptation in differential evolution
Parameter adaptation is one of the key research fields in the area of evolutionary
computation. In this study, the application of neuroevolution of augmented topologies to …
computation. In this study, the application of neuroevolution of augmented topologies to …
Generating efficient mutation operators for search-based model-driven engineering
D Strüber - Theory and Practice of Model Transformation: 10th …, 2017 - Springer
Software engineers are frequently faced with tasks that can be expressed as optimization
problems. To support them with automation, search-based model-driven engineering …
problems. To support them with automation, search-based model-driven engineering …
Evolving black-box search algorithms employing genetic programming
R Rivers, DR Tauritz - Proceedings of the 15th annual conference …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Restricting the class of problems we want to perform well on allows Black Box Search
Algorithms (BBSAs) specifically tailored to that class to significantly outperform more general …
Algorithms (BBSAs) specifically tailored to that class to significantly outperform more general …
[PDF][PDF] Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics.
For the last decades, metaheuristics have become ever more popular as a tool to solve a
large class of difficult optimization problems. However, determining the best configuration of …
large class of difficult optimization problems. However, determining the best configuration of …
Automated design of algorithms and genetic improvement: contrast and commonalities
SO Haraldsson, JR Woodward - … of the Companion Publication of the …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Automated Design of Algorithms (ADA) and Genetic Improvement (GI) are two relatively
young fields of research that have been receiving more attention in recent years. Both …
young fields of research that have been receiving more attention in recent years. Both …