Causes and consequences of individual variation in animal movement
AK Shaw - Movement ecology, 2020 - Springer
Animal movement comes in a variety of 'types' including small foraging movements, larger
one-way dispersive movements, seasonally-predictable round-trip migratory movements …
one-way dispersive movements, seasonally-predictable round-trip migratory movements …
Animal personality: what are behavioural ecologists measuring?
The discovery that an individual may be constrained, and even behave sub‐optimally,
because of its personality type has fundamental implications for understanding individual‐to …
because of its personality type has fundamental implications for understanding individual‐to …
What's your move? Movement as a link between personality and spatial dynamics in animal populations
Recent studies have established the ecological and evolutionary importance of animal
personalities. Individual differences in movement and space‐use, fundamental to many …
personalities. Individual differences in movement and space‐use, fundamental to many …
Personality, foraging behavior and specialization: integrating behavioral and food web ecology at the individual level
Behavioral traits and diet were traditionally thought to be highly plastic within individuals.
This view was espoused in the widespread use of optimality models, which broadly predict …
This view was espoused in the widespread use of optimality models, which broadly predict …
Evolutionary and ecological approaches to the study of personality
This introduction to the themed issue on Evolutionary and ecological approaches to the
study of personality provides an overview of conceptual, theoretical and methodological …
study of personality provides an overview of conceptual, theoretical and methodological …
Leadership solves collective action problems in small-scale societies
Observation of leadership in small-scale societies offers unique insights into the evolution of
human collective action and the origins of sociopolitical complexity. Using behavioural data …
human collective action and the origins of sociopolitical complexity. Using behavioural data …
Behavioural syndromes and social insects: personality at multiple levels
Animal personalities or behavioural syndromes are consistent and/or correlated behaviours
across two or more situations within a population. Social insect biologists have measured …
across two or more situations within a population. Social insect biologists have measured …
Personality and social context
There has been considerable interest among biologists in the phenomenon of non‐human
animal personality in recent years. Consistent variations among individuals in their …
animal personality in recent years. Consistent variations among individuals in their …
Individual-level personality influences social foraging and collective behaviour in wild birds
There is increasing evidence that animal groups can maintain coordinated behaviour and
make collective decisions based on simple interaction rules. Effective collective action may …
make collective decisions based on simple interaction rules. Effective collective action may …
Adaptive strategies for managing uncertainty may explain personality‐related differences in behavioural plasticity
There is growing evidence that individuals within populations show consistent differences in
their behaviour across contexts (personality), and that personality is associated with the …
their behaviour across contexts (personality), and that personality is associated with the …