[HTML][HTML] Alternative proteins for fish diets: implications beyond growth
Simple Summary Aquaculture is now well-established as a provider of protein for human
consumption, and its contribution will be paramount to providing food for a nine billion …
consumption, and its contribution will be paramount to providing food for a nine billion …
Environmental consequences of using insect meal as an ingredient in aquafeeds: A systematic view
H Quang Tran, H Van Doan… - Reviews in Aquaculture, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We retrieved data from various studies to investigate the consequences of insect meal
production and insect meal‐based diets with respect to their environmental impact, including …
production and insect meal‐based diets with respect to their environmental impact, including …
[HTML][HTML] Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens as an Alternative to Fishmeal Protein and Fish Oil: Impact on Growth, Immune Response, Mucosal Barrier Status, and Flesh Quality …
Simple Summary Fishmeal and fish oil being recognized as nutritionally balanced and
preferred protein and lipid sources in aquafeeds for finfish farming. However, the limited …
preferred protein and lipid sources in aquafeeds for finfish farming. However, the limited …
Bio-utilization of brewery waste (Brewer's spent yeast) in global aquafeed production and its efficiency in replacing fishmeal: from a sustainability viewpoint
Aquaculture contributes significantly to the world's food security. Future aquaculture
developments depend mainly on sustainable aquafeed production. Fish meal (FM) is …
developments depend mainly on sustainable aquafeed production. Fish meal (FM) is …
Effect of Fish Meal Substitution with Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) on Growth Performance, Feed Stability, Blood Biochemistry, and Liver and Gut Morphology of Siamese …
Insects such as black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are gaining interest among researchers and
the aquafeed industry due to the fluctuating price and supply of fish meal (FM). This study …
the aquafeed industry due to the fluctuating price and supply of fish meal (FM). This study …
Probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae coupled with Lactobacillus casei modulates physiological performance and promotes gut microbiota in juvenile barramundi …
This study was conducted to investigate the combined effects of probiotic yeast,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus casei on the growth …
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus casei on the growth …
Fishmeal Dietary Replacement Up to 50%: A Comparative Study of Two Insect Meals for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
F Melenchón, E de Mercado, HJ Pula, G Cardenete… - Animals, 2022 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The reduction of dependence on fishmeal as a main protein source for
aquafeeds remains a big problem in reaching sustainable aquaculture. Several alternatives …
aquafeeds remains a big problem in reaching sustainable aquaculture. Several alternatives …
Total replacement of fishmeal with poultry by-product meal affected the growth, muscle quality, histological structure, antioxidant capacity and immune response of …
The present study investigates if the total replacement of dietary fishmeal (FM) with poultry
by-product meal (PBM), supplemented with methionine influences the muscle fatty acids …
by-product meal (PBM), supplemented with methionine influences the muscle fatty acids …
Growth, hepatic health, mucosal barrier status and immunity of juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer fed poultry by-product meal supplemented with full-fat or defatted …
Poultry by-product meal (PBM) as a replacement for fish meal (FM), an expensive and
unsustainable protein aquafeed ingredient, has been tested on different aquaculture fish …
unsustainable protein aquafeed ingredient, has been tested on different aquaculture fish …
Replacement of fishmeal with a microbial single‐cell protein induced enteropathy and poor growth outcomes in barramundi (Lates calcarifer) fry
F Samsing, R Sullivan, H Truong… - Journal of Fish …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Fish meal (FM) replacement is essential for the sustainable expansion of aquaculture. This
study focussed on the feasibility of replacing FM with a single‐cell protein (SCP) derived …
study focussed on the feasibility of replacing FM with a single‐cell protein (SCP) derived …