[HTML][HTML] A fractal–fractional model of Ebola with reinfection
In this article, we have studied the dynamics of the Ebola virus disease by means of
fractional differentiation combined with a fractal dimension. It has been shown explicitly that …
fractional differentiation combined with a fractal dimension. It has been shown explicitly that …
Modelling the dynamics of Ebola disease transmission with optimal control analysis
Ebola disease is a highly infectious and often deadly disease caused by the Ebola virus.
Ebola can spread among humans through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs …
Ebola can spread among humans through direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs …
Mathematical modeling of contact tracing as a control strategy of Ebola virus disease
More than 20 outbreaks of Ebola virus disease have occurred in Africa since 1976, and yet
no adequate treatment is available. Hence, prevention, control measures and supportive …
no adequate treatment is available. Hence, prevention, control measures and supportive …
Spatial behavioural responses to the spread of an infectious disease can suppress Turing and Turing–Hopf patterning of the disease
Reducing risky behaviour and/or avoiding sites where the risk of infection is perceived as
higher (by social and/or spatial distancing) represent the two main forms of non …
higher (by social and/or spatial distancing) represent the two main forms of non …
[HTML][HTML] Mask-ematics: Modeling the effects of masks in COVID-19 transmission in high-risk environments
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an unprecedented burden on public health and
strained the worldwide economy. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has been predominantly …
strained the worldwide economy. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has been predominantly …
A mathematical model on the impact of awareness and traditional medicine in the control of Ebola: case study of the 2014–2016 outbreaks in Sierra Leone and Liberia
In the control of infectious diseases worldwide, awareness of the population occupies a
prominent place. In Africa, there has been a long standing rivalry between traditional …
prominent place. In Africa, there has been a long standing rivalry between traditional …
Examining the impact of forcing function inputs on structural identifiability
For mathematical and experimental ease, models with time varying parameters are often
simplified to assume constant parameters. However, this simplification can potentially lead …
simplified to assume constant parameters. However, this simplification can potentially lead …
On SITR theoretical model of Ebola virus propagation with relapse and reinfection
Despite the national government's commitment to eradicating the Ebola virus epidemic and
the WHO's combined efforts in this regard in Ebola-torn countries in Africa, many people are …
the WHO's combined efforts in this regard in Ebola-torn countries in Africa, many people are …
Agent-Based Modeling for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
RL Woodul - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Pandemics have occurred throughout human history with semi-regularity, and yet, the 2019
emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and subsequent COVID-19 pandemic seemed to catch …
emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and subsequent COVID-19 pandemic seemed to catch …
Predictive Situation Awareness for Ebola Virus Disease using a Collective Intelligence Multi-Model Integration Platform: Bayes Cloud
The humanity has been facing a plethora of challenges associated with infectious diseases,
which kill more than 6 million people a year. Although continuous efforts have been applied …
which kill more than 6 million people a year. Although continuous efforts have been applied …