Числовые характеристики структур сетей связи
КА Батенков - Информатика и автоматизация, 2017 - mathnet.ru
При решении задач, связанных с анализом и синтезом сетей связи по показателям
устойчивости, особое место занимают вопросы описания структур сетей связи с …
устойчивости, особое место занимают вопросы описания структур сетей связи с …
Clustering consumers based on trust, confidence and giving behaviour: Data-driven model building for charitable involvement in the Australian not-for-profit sector
Organisations in the Not-for-Profit and charity sector face increasing competition to win time,
money and efforts from a common donor base. Consequently, these organisations need to …
money and efforts from a common donor base. Consequently, these organisations need to …
cuSLINK: Single-linkage Agglomerative Clustering on the GPU
In this paper, we propose cuSLINK, a novel and state-of-the-art reformulation of the SLINK
algorithm on the GPU which requires only O (Nk) space and uses a parameter k to trade off …
algorithm on the GPU which requires only O (Nk) space and uses a parameter k to trade off …
Extensive transcriptomic and genomic analysis provides new insights about luminal breast cancers
Despite constituting approximately two thirds of all breast cancers, the luminal A and B
tumours are poorly classified at both clinical and molecular levels. There are contradictory …
tumours are poorly classified at both clinical and molecular levels. There are contradictory …
An information theoretic clustering approach for unveiling authorship affinities in Shakespearean era plays and poems
In this paper we analyse the word frequency profiles of a set of works from the
Shakespearean era to uncover patterns of relationship between them, highlighting the …
Shakespearean era to uncover patterns of relationship between them, highlighting the …
A FPGA-based architecture for automatic hexagonal bolts detection in railway maintenance
G De Ruvo, P De Ruvo, F Marino… - Seventh …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Rail inspection is a very important task in railway maintenance and it is periodically needed
for preventing dangerous situations. Inspection is operated manually by trained human …
for preventing dangerous situations. Inspection is operated manually by trained human …
Core-SG: efficient computation of multiple MSTS for density-based methods
Several popular density-based methods for unsuper-vised and semi-supervised learning
tasks, including clustering and classification, can be formulated as instances of a framework …
tasks, including clustering and classification, can be formulated as instances of a framework …
Параллельная реализация алгоритма поиска минимальных остовных деревьев с использованием центрального и графического процессоров
АС Колганов - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного …, 2016 - cyberleninka.ru
Решение задачи поиска минимальных остовных деревьев является распространенной
в различных областях исследований: распознавание различных объектов …
в различных областях исследований: распознавание различных объектов …
Computing large-scale distance matrices on GPU
A distance matrix is simply an n× n two-dimensional array that contains pairwise distances of
a set of n points in a metric space. It has a wide range of usage in several fields of scientific …
a set of n points in a metric space. It has a wide range of usage in several fields of scientific …
A multilevel parallel and scalable single-host GPU cluster framework for large-scale geospatial data processing
Geospatial data exists in a variety of formats, including rasters, vector data, and large-scale
geospatial databases. There exists an ever-growing number of sensors that are collecting …
geospatial databases. There exists an ever-growing number of sensors that are collecting …