Trends in polymers functionalized nanostructures for analysis of environmental pollutants
Functional polymers have attached attention in recent years due to their wide applications
and unique properties such as sound sensitivity, electrical, catalytic activity, etc for analysis …
and unique properties such as sound sensitivity, electrical, catalytic activity, etc for analysis …
Habitat-Associated Morphological Divergence of Gasterosteus aculeatus in the Southern Caspian Sea Basin
Habitat-associated morphological divergence of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus
aculeatus populations was investigated in the southern Caspian Sea basin using landmark …
aculeatus populations was investigated in the southern Caspian Sea basin using landmark …
[PDF][PDF] Geometric morphometric comparison of trout barb, Capoeta trutta (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Tigris River basin
A total of 136 specimens of trout barb, Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) from eight rivers of the
Tigris Basin were caught by seine net to compare their shape using geometric …
Tigris Basin were caught by seine net to compare their shape using geometric …
Effect of size on the relationship between habitat suitability index and niche overlap in Namak chub (Squalius namak Khaefi et al., 2016) in Jajrood River, Namak Lake …
The habitat suitability index can be applied to predict the distribution of living organisms in
the aquatic ecosystem ie it can reveal their correlation with environmental factors. By …
the aquatic ecosystem ie it can reveal their correlation with environmental factors. By …
Biometry of Chub (Squalius namak Khaefi et al., 2016) in rivers of Namak Basin
In order to evaluate the biometry of chub (Squalius namak, Khaefi et al., 2016) populations
in Khaznagh, Ghinercheh, Gharechae, Jajrud and Ghomrud rivers of Lake Namak Basin …
in Khaznagh, Ghinercheh, Gharechae, Jajrud and Ghomrud rivers of Lake Namak Basin …
Morphological variation in lea** mullet populations, Chelon saliens (Risso, 1810) in the southern part of the Caspian Sea basin using geometric morphometric …
It is important to study and investigate exotic species to protect their stocks. This study was
carried out to investigate the morphological change in Chelon saliens populations from …
carried out to investigate the morphological change in Chelon saliens populations from …
[PDF][PDF] The morphological study of transcaspian marinka (Schizothorax pelzami) in Harirud and Dasht-e Kavir basins using the geometric morphometric technique
This study was conducted to understand the morphological variation of four populations of
Schizothorax pelzami from Iranian inland waters. For this purpose, a total of 81 specimens …
Schizothorax pelzami from Iranian inland waters. For this purpose, a total of 81 specimens …
Morphological differentiation of Pennahia aneus (Bloch, 1793) populations from Northern Peninsular Malaysia using geometric morphometrics
Kachi JB, Binashikhbubkr K, Naim DM. 2025. Morphological differentiation of Pennahia
aneus (Bloch, 1793) populations from Northern Peninsular Malaysia using geometric …
aneus (Bloch, 1793) populations from Northern Peninsular Malaysia using geometric …
Morphological variation in seven species of catfishes of the genus Glyptothorax in Iranian inland waters using traditional and geometric morphometric methods
Methods: For this purpose, 182 specimens including 32 G. alidaeii, from the Seimare in the
Karkheh drainage, 54 G. galaxies, from the upper Karun drainage, 12 G. hosseinpanahi …
Karkheh drainage, 54 G. galaxies, from the upper Karun drainage, 12 G. hosseinpanahi …
Comparative geometric morphometric study of Capoeta fusca populations in Kavir and Harirud basins
Quantifying morphological characteristics of body shape in fishes can help their correct
identification as well as understanding of evolutionary history of their different populations …
identification as well as understanding of evolutionary history of their different populations …