Aplicaciones de la Teoría de Usos y Gratificaciones en la investigación en Comunicación: una revisión sistematizada.

JC Mateus, L Leon, D Vásquez-Cubas - Observatorio (obs*), 2023 - search.ebscohost.com
Abstract The Uses and Gratifications Theory is one of the most productive areas of research
in the field of Communication. Since its inception in the 1940s, it has evolved and …

Online news in India: a quantitative appraisal of the digital news consumption landscape in the world's largest democracy (2014–2018)

S Mukerjee - Information, Communication & Society, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
How do people in the world's largest democracy consume news online? In this paper, I aim
to answer this question by conducting a quantitative assessment of the online news …

[HTML][HTML] Республика Мали: СМИ в контексте современного общества

АВ Полонский, Б Амаду - Вопросы журналистики, педагогики …, 2024 - cyberleninka.ru
СМИ сегодня обеспечивают плотное транслирование оценочных суждений
относительно важных национальных, региональных и международных проблем …

Streaming Revolution: Tracing the Evolution of OTT Media From Its Origins to the Present

N Behare, VC Shitole, SN Behare… - The Rise of Over-the …, 2024 - igi-global.com
This chapter embarks on an engrossing journey, unravelling the transformational landscape
of OTT media. It traces its humble beginnings to its disruptive force in the entertainment …

[PDF][PDF] Applications of the Uses and Gratifications Theory in Communication research: A systematized review

JC Mateus, L Leon, D Vásquez-Cubas - Observatorio,, 2023 - researchgate.net
Abstract The Uses and Gratifications Theory is one of the most productive areas of research
in the field of Communication. Since its inception in the 1940s, it has evolved and …

Towards a taxonomy of English-language news podcasting in India

SG Mehendale - Media Asia, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
News podcasting has emerged as an active domain of academic research in recent years,
and yet several regions like India remain understudied in terms of empirical knowledge …

Gamification in Journalism: Transforming News Consumption Through Interactive Experiences

J JA, K AH - 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
Gamification in journalism transforms news consumption by integrating game design
elements such as quizzes, simulations, and interactive storytelling. This paper examines the …

Online media consumption in Germany: The role of political information: An analysis of German mass communication online

I Brentel - 2023 - ssoar.info
Fragmented, thus, widely scattered, non-overlap** media-consumption patterns often are
seen as a logical consequence of increasing numbers in online offerings, specialization and …


J Gerstbach - 2023 - phaidra.univie.ac.at
Das Aufkommen des Internets und insbesondere der sozialen Netzwerke kehrte diesen
Trend jedoch langsam wieder um. Parteien bekamen die Möglichkeit, über eigene Websites …

Online News in India: Appraising the Digital News Consumption Landscape in the World's Largest Democracy (2014-2018)

S Mukerjee - osf.io
How do people in the world's largest democracy consume news online? In this paper, I aim
to answer this question by conducting a quantitative assessment of the online news …