Survey on multi-output learning
The aim of multi-output learning is to simultaneously predict multiple outputs given an input.
It is an important learning problem for decision-making since making decisions in the real …
It is an important learning problem for decision-making since making decisions in the real …
Recommender systems based on graph embedding techniques: A review
Y Deng - IEEE Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As a pivotal tool to alleviate the information overload problem, recommender systems aim to
predict user's preferred items from millions of candidates by analyzing observed user-item …
predict user's preferred items from millions of candidates by analyzing observed user-item …
Artificial intelligence in recommender systems
Recommender systems provide personalized service support to users by learning their
previous behaviors and predicting their current preferences for particular products. Artificial …
previous behaviors and predicting their current preferences for particular products. Artificial …
A prediction-sampling-based multilayer-structured latent factor model for accurate representation to high-dimensional and sparse data
Performing highly accurate representation learning on a high-dimensional and sparse
(HiDS) matrix is of great significance in a big data-related application such as a …
(HiDS) matrix is of great significance in a big data-related application such as a …
Fast and accurate non-negative latent factor analysis of high-dimensional and sparse matrices in recommender systems
A fast non-negative latent factor (FNLF) model for a high-dimensional and sparse (HiDS)
matrix adopts a Single Latent Factor-dependent, Non-negative, Multiplicative and …
matrix adopts a Single Latent Factor-dependent, Non-negative, Multiplicative and …
Position-transitional particle swarm optimization-incorporated latent factor analysis
High-dimensional and sparse (HiDS) matrices are frequently found in various industrial
applications. A latent factor analysis (LFA) model is commonly adopted to extract useful …
applications. A latent factor analysis (LFA) model is commonly adopted to extract useful …
An L1-and-L2-Norm-Oriented Latent Factor Model for Recommender Systems
A recommender system (RS) is highly efficient in filtering people's desired information from
high-dimensional and sparse (HiDS) data. To date, a latent factor (LF)-based approach …
high-dimensional and sparse (HiDS) data. To date, a latent factor (LF)-based approach …
A data-characteristic-aware latent factor model for web services QoS prediction
How to accurately predict unknown quality-of-service (QoS) data based on observed ones is
a hot yet thorny issue in Web service-related applications. Recently, a latent factor (LF) …
a hot yet thorny issue in Web service-related applications. Recently, a latent factor (LF) …
A Kalman-filter-incorporated latent factor analysis model for temporally dynamic sparse data
With the rapid development of services computing in the past decade, Quality-of-Service
(QoS)-aware selection of Web services has become a hot yet thorny issue. Conducting …
(QoS)-aware selection of Web services has become a hot yet thorny issue. Conducting …
Temporal pattern-aware QoS prediction via biased non-negative latent factorization of tensors
Quality-of-service (QoS) data vary over time, making it vital to capture the temporal patterns
hidden in such dynamic data for predicting missing ones with high accuracy. However …
hidden in such dynamic data for predicting missing ones with high accuracy. However …