Public health roles in addressing commercial determinants of health

K Lee, N Freudenberg - Annual review of public health, 2022 -
The shared challenges posed by the production and distribution of health-harming products
have led to growing recognition of the need for policy learning and transfer across problems …

New Zealand household purchases of sugar-sweetened, artificially sweetened, and unsweetened beverages: 2015–2019

H Eyles, S Dodd, KK Garton, Y Jiang… - Public Health …, 2024 -
Objective: To assess annual household purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs),
artificially sweetened beverages (AFSBs), and unsweetened beverages (USBs) by …

Food prices in New Zealand: implications for feeding people better

P Vatsa, A Renwick - Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
There are ongoing concerns about food security, particularly around food affordability and
the nutritional quality of diets in New Zealand. While recent food price inflation has sparked …

Seven-year trends in the availability, sugar content and serve size of single-serve non-alcoholic beverages in New Zealand: 2013–2019

TG de Castro, H Eyles, CN Mhurchu, L Young… - Public health …, 2021 -
Objective: To assess trends in relative availability, sugar content and serve size of ready-to-
drink non-alcoholic beverages available for sale in supermarkets from 2013 to 2019 …

It is time for a more targeted approach to prediabetes in primary care in Aotearoa New Zealand

C Barthow, S Pullon, E McKinlay… - Journal of primary health …, 2022 - CSIRO Publishing
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM), its related morbidities and entrenched diabetes‐related inequities
pose significant challenges for health care delivery systems in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) …

Sodium in the New Zealand diet: proposed voluntary food reformulation targets will not meet the WHO goal of a 30% reduction in total sodium intake

NX Wang, S Skeaff, C Cameron, E Fleming… - European journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Purpose To simulate the potential impact of the HeartSAFE 2020 programme, a food
reformulation initiative by the New Zealand (NZ) Heart Foundation, on sodium intake in the …

Diabetes prevention amongst those with pre-diabetes in Aotearoa New Zealand

CA Barthow - 2022 -
IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND Christine Anne Barthow Submitted in fulfilment of the …

[PDF][PDF] Management of Type 1 diabetes and diabulimia

DR Thomas, ID Hodges, L Hoyle, B Orr-Walker - 2020 -
Managing type 1 diabetes presents major challenges for children and adolescents following
diagnosis. Social and behavioural factors play a crucial role in maintaining effective …

[PDF][PDF] Balancing sodium and iodine intake in New Zealand adults

WN **n - 2022 -
A high dietary sodium intake is associated with elevated blood pressure, a major risk factor
for cardiovascular disease. Average sodium intake in New Zealand adults exceeds the …