Review on the effect of gas distributor on flow behavior and reaction performance of the bubble/slurry reactors
Gas distributors greatly affect the performance of bubble column or slurry bubble column
reactors (BCR/SBCRs). Investigation of design parameters characterizing the operation and …
reactors (BCR/SBCRs). Investigation of design parameters characterizing the operation and …
Air–Water Two-Phase Flow Dynamics Analysis in Complex U-Bend Systems through Numerical Modeling
This study aims to provide insights into the intricate interactions between gas and liquid
phases within flow components, which are pivotal in various industrial sectors such as …
phases within flow components, which are pivotal in various industrial sectors such as …
Modeling and optimization of flow distribution in multistage pipe distributors
Multistage pipe distributors are generally used in industrial‐scale reactors to generate
uniform fluid distribution and reduce dead zones at reactor bottom. This study aims to …
uniform fluid distribution and reduce dead zones at reactor bottom. This study aims to …
Improvements in the dehydration process of heavy crude oil, using CFD: case study campo Quifa-Colombia
Quifa is one of the largest heavy-oil fields in Colombia with a total fluids production of 1,320
KBPD with a water cut of 96.7% through 272 active wells, approximatively. Facilities to …
KBPD with a water cut of 96.7% through 272 active wells, approximatively. Facilities to …
[PDF][PDF] 大型反应器内管式气体分布器的研究进展
安敏, 管小**, 杨宁, 卜亿峰, 门卓武 - 煤炭学报, 2020 - mtxb.com.cn
管式气体分布器广泛应用于煤化工, 生物制药, 废水处理及石油化工等领域.
目前分布器的研究报道较为分散, 新工艺的开发和反应器的放大研究对分布器提出了新的要求和 …
目前分布器的研究报道较为分散, 新工艺的开发和反应器的放大研究对分布器提出了新的要求和 …