Model-based and model-free Pavlovian reward learning: revaluation, revision, and revelation
Evidence supports at least two methods for learning about reward and punishment and
making predictions for guiding actions. One method, called model-free, progressively …
making predictions for guiding actions. One method, called model-free, progressively …
Lateral hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, and ventral pallidum roles in eating and hunger: interactions between homeostatic and reward circuitry
The study of the neural bases of eating behavior, hunger, and reward has consistently
implicated the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and its interactions with mesocorticolimbic circuitry …
implicated the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and its interactions with mesocorticolimbic circuitry …
Understanding addiction using animal models
Drug addiction is a neuropsychiatric disorder with grave personal consequences that has an
extraordinary global economic impact. Despite decades of research, the options available to …
extraordinary global economic impact. Despite decades of research, the options available to …
On the motivational properties of reward cues: Individual differences
Cues associated with rewards, such as food or drugs of abuse, can themselves acquire
motivational properties. Acting as incentive stimuli, such cues can exert powerful control …
motivational properties. Acting as incentive stimuli, such cues can exert powerful control …
Less is more: prolonged intermittent access cocaine self-administration produces incentive-sensitization and addiction-like behavior
Rationale Contemporary animal models of cocaine addiction focus on increasing the
amount of drug consumption to produce addiction-like behavior. However, another critical …
amount of drug consumption to produce addiction-like behavior. However, another critical …
Individual variation in resisting temptation: implications for addiction
When exposed to the sights, sounds, smells and/or places that have been associated with
rewards, such as food or drugs, some individuals have difficulty resisting the temptation to …
rewards, such as food or drugs, some individuals have difficulty resisting the temptation to …
Cue-evoked cocaine “craving”: role of dopamine in the accumbens core
Drug-associated cues can acquire powerful motivational control over the behavior of
addicts, and can contribute to relapse via multiple, dissociable mechanisms. Most preclinical …
addicts, and can contribute to relapse via multiple, dissociable mechanisms. Most preclinical …
Neurobiological basis of individual variation in stimulus-reward learning
Highlights•There is considerable individual variation in conditioned responses to reward
cues.•Cues can evoke simple conditioned responses and/or complex motivational …
cues.•Cues can evoke simple conditioned responses and/or complex motivational …
Role of cues and contexts on drug‐seeking behaviour
Environmental stimuli are powerful mediators of craving and relapse in substance‐abuse
disorders. This review examined how animal models have been used to investigate the …
disorders. This review examined how animal models have been used to investigate the …
Evidence for incentive salience sensitization as a pathway to alcohol use disorder
The incentive salience sensitization (ISS) theory of addiction holds that addictive behavior
stems from the ability of drugs to progressively sensitize the brain circuitry that mediates …
stems from the ability of drugs to progressively sensitize the brain circuitry that mediates …