The use of DNA barcodes in food web construction—terrestrial and aquatic ecologists unite!

T Roslin, S Majaneva - Genome, 2016 -
By depicting who eats whom, food webs offer descriptions of how grou**s in nature
(typically species or populations) are linked to each other. For asking questions on how food …

Plant–animal interactions in the era of environmental DNA (eDNA)—a review

P Banerjee, KA Stewart, CM Antognazza… - Environmental …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Plant–animal interactions (PAI) represent major channels of energy transfer through
ecosystems, where both positive and antagonistic interactions simultaneously contribute to …

A molecular‐based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland

T Roslin, P Somervuo, M Pentinsaari… - Molecular Ecology …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
To associate specimens identified by molecular characters to other biological knowledge,
we need reference sequences annotated by Linnaean taxonomy. In this study, we (1) report …

Barcode UK: A complete DNA barcoding resource for the flowering plants and conifers of the United Kingdom

L Jones, AD Twyford, CR Ford… - Molecular Ecology …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
DNA barcoding and metabarcoding provide new avenues for investigating biological
systems. These techniques require well‐curated reference libraries with extensive coverage …

Testing the Global Malaise Trap Program–How well does the current barcode reference library identify flying insects in Germany?

MF Geiger, J Moriniere, A Hausmann… - Biodiversity data …, 2016 -
Background Biodiversity patterns are inherently complex and difficult to comprehensively
assess. Yet, deciphering shifts in species composition through time and space are crucial for …

Declining diversity and abundance of High Arctic fly assemblages over two decades of rapid climate warming

S Loboda, J Savage, CM Buddle, NM Schmidt… - …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Insects are particularly vulnerable to rapid environmental changes, which are
disproportionally affecting high latitudes. Increased temperature could influence insect …

Expedited assessment of terrestrial arthropod diversity by coupling Malaise traps with DNA barcoding

JR deWaard, V Levesque-Beaudin, SL deWaard… - …, 2019 -
Monitoring changes in terrestrial arthropod communities over space and time requires a
dramatic increase in the speed and accuracy of processing samples that cannot be …

Interaction webs in arctic ecosystems: Determinants of arctic change?

NM Schmidt, B Hardwick, O Gilg, TT Høye, PH Krogh… - Ambio, 2017 - Springer
How species interact modulate their dynamics, their response to environmental change, and
ultimately the functioning and stability of entire communities. Work conducted at Zackenberg …

One fly to rule them all—muscid flies are the key pollinators in the Arctic

M Tiusanen, PDN Hebert… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 -
Global change is causing drastic changes in the pollinator communities of the Arctic. While
arctic flowers are visited by a wide range of insects, flies in family Muscidae have been …

Assessing changes in arthropod predator–prey interactions through DNA‐based gut content analysis—variable environment, stable diet

B Eitzinger, N Abrego, D Gravel, T Huotari… - Molecular …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Analysing the structure and dynamics of biotic interaction networks and the processes
sha** them is currently one of the key fields in ecology. In this paper, we develop a novel …