Evidence of a Phonon Hall Effect in the Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate

É Lefrançois, G Grissonnanche, J Baglo… - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
The material α-RuCl 3 has been the subject of intense scrutiny as a potential Kitaev
quantum spin liquid, predicted to display Majorana fermions as low-energy excitations. In …

The phonon thermal Hall angle in black phosphorus

X Li, Y Machida, A Subedi, Z Zhu, L Li… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
The origin of phonon thermal Hall Effect (THE) observed in a variety of insulators is yet to be
identified. Here, we report on the observation of a thermal Hall conductivity in a non …

Phonon chirality from impurity scattering in the antiferromagnetic phase of Sr2IrO4

A Ataei, G Grissonnanche, ME Boulanger, L Chen… - Nature Physics, 2024 - nature.com
A thermal Hall effect occurs in an increasing number of insulators and is often attributed to
phonons, but the underlying mechanism is not known in most cases. Two main scenarios …

Large phonon thermal Hall conductivity in the antiferromagnetic insulator Cu3TeO6

L Chen, ME Boulanger, ZC Wang, F Tafti… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 - pnas.org
Phonons are known to generate a thermal Hall effect in certain insulators, including oxides
with rare-earth impurities, quantum paraelectrics, multiferroic materials, and cuprate Mott …

Giant, magnet-free, and room-temperature Hall-like heat transfer

L Xu, J Liu, G Xu, J Huang, CW Qiu - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023 - pnas.org
Thermal chirality, generically referring to the handedness of heat flux, provides a significant
possibility for modern heat control. It may be realized with the thermal Hall effect yet at the …

Significant thermal Hall effect in the cobalt Kitaev system

H Yang, C Kim, Y Choi, JH Lee, G Lin, J Ma… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Kitaev physics has recently attracted attention in condensed matter for its anticipated
quantum spin liquid (QSL) state. The thermal transport measurement is crucial for probing …

Phonon thermal Hall conductivity from scattering with collective fluctuations

L Mangeolle, L Balents, L Savary - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
Because electrons and ions form a coupled system, it is a priori clear that the dynamics of
the lattice should reflect symmetry breaking within the electronic degrees of freedom …

Size-dependent magnon thermal transport in a nanostructured quantum magnet

S Guo, H Li, X Bai, Y Wang, S Li… - Cell Reports Physical …, 2024 - cell.com
Magnons are fundamental excitations of spin waves in magnetic materials, which are able to
carry both heat and spin information. Examining magnon thermal transport is essential for …

Electrical and thermal transport properties of kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs)

XR Mi, KY Yang, YH Gan, L Zhang, AF Wang, YS Chai… - Tungsten, 2023 - Springer
The interplay between lattice geometry, band topology and electronic correlations in the
newly discovered kagome compounds A V3Sb5 (A= K, Rb, Cs) makes this family a novel …

Phonon thermal Hall effect in a metallic spin ice

T Uehara, T Ohtsuki, M Udagawa, S Nakatsuji… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
It has become common knowledge that phonons can generate thermal Hall effect in a wide
variety of materials, although the underlying mechanism is still controversial. We study …