Global nitrogen cycle: critical enzymes, organisms, and processes for nitrogen budgets and dynamics
Nitrogen (N) is used in many of life's fundamental biomolecules, and it is also a participant in
environmental redox chemistry. Biogeochemical processes control the amount and form of N …
environmental redox chemistry. Biogeochemical processes control the amount and form of N …
Ocean biogeochemical modelling
Ocean biogeochemical models describe the ocean's circulation, physical properties,
biogeochemical properties and their transformations using coupled differential equations …
biogeochemical properties and their transformations using coupled differential equations …
[HTML][HTML] Enhanced ocean oxygenation during Cenozoic warm periods
Dissolved oxygen (O2) is essential for most ocean ecosystems, fuelling organisms'
respiration and facilitating the cycling of carbon and nutrients. Oxygen measurements have …
respiration and facilitating the cycling of carbon and nutrients. Oxygen measurements have …
Pathways to sustaining tuna-dependent Pacific Island economies during climate change
Climate-driven redistribution of tuna threatens to disrupt the economies of Pacific Small
Island Develo** States (SIDS) and sustainable management of the world's largest tuna …
Island Develo** States (SIDS) and sustainable management of the world's largest tuna …
The biological carbon pump in CMIP6 models: 21st century trends and uncertainties
The biological carbon pump (BCP) stores∼ 1,700 Pg C from the atmosphere in the ocean
interior, but the magnitude and direction of future changes in carbon sequestration by the …
interior, but the magnitude and direction of future changes in carbon sequestration by the …
Microbial sulfate reduction and organic sulfur formation in sinking marine particles
Climate change is driving an expansion of marine oxygen-deficient zones, which may alter
the global cycles of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and trace metals. Currently, however, we lack a …
the global cycles of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, and trace metals. Currently, however, we lack a …
Oxygen rise in the tropical upper ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
The global ocean's oxygen inventory is declining in response to global warming, but the
future of the low-oxygen tropics is uncertain. We report new evidence for tropical …
future of the low-oxygen tropics is uncertain. We report new evidence for tropical …
Eddies affect subsurface phytoplankton and oxygen distributions in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
Abstract The North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) is an oligotrophic environment where a
number of mesoscale eddies occur. With continuous measurements from Biogeochemical …
number of mesoscale eddies occur. With continuous measurements from Biogeochemical …
[HTML][HTML] Unique ocean circulation pathways reshape the Indian Ocean oxygen minimum zone with warming
The global ocean is losing oxygen with warming. Observations and Earth system model
projections, however, suggest that this global ocean deoxygenation does not equate to a …
projections, however, suggest that this global ocean deoxygenation does not equate to a …
Ventilation pathways for the North Pacific oxygen deficient zone
Oxygen deficient zones (ODZs) in the tropical ocean exert a profound influence on global
biogeochemical cycles, but the factors that regulate their long‐term structure and sensitivity …
biogeochemical cycles, but the factors that regulate their long‐term structure and sensitivity …