Synthesis of the OECD/NEA-PSI CFD benchmark exercise

M Andreani, A Badillo, R Kapulla - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The third International Benchmark Exercise (IBE-3) conducted under the auspices
of OECD/NEA is based on the comparison of blind CFD simulations with experimental data …

[HTML][HTML] Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations

R Kapulla, L **ongguo, S Kelm, U Doll… - … Engineering and Design, 2023 - Elsevier
In the appearance of steam, the CFD modeling of thermal-hydraulic phenomena in reactor
containments during various phases of an accident necessarily requires consideration of …

[HTML][HTML] PANDA experimental database and further needs for containment analyses

D Paladino, R Kapulla, S Paranjape, S Suter… - … Engineering and Design, 2023 - Elsevier
PANDA is a large-scale, multi-compartment, thermal-hydraulics facility located at the Paul
Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland and is operated for nuclear safety projects. PANDA is …

On the adequacy of wall functions to predict condensation rates from steam-noncondensable gas mixtures

A Dehbi - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013 - Elsevier
As one looks forward to applying CFD based methods to simulate turbulent flows in larger
volumes up to containment scales, the mesh resolution, especially near the walls, becomes …

Proposed methodology for Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner sizing and location for a BWR Mark-III reactor containment building

C Serrano, G Jimenez, M del Carmen Molina… - Annals of Nuclear …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract The Stress Tests accomplished by the European nuclear plants assume to be a
complementary and comprehensive review of the safety of nuclear facilities, taking into …

Large eddy simulation of hydrogen dispersion from leakage in a nuclear containment model

J Kim, E Jung, S Kang - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
Hydrogen leaking inside a nuclear power plant poses a critical nuclear safety issue, and
accurate prediction of the dispersion process of hydrogen has become an important topic of …

Analysis of a gas stratification break-up by a vertical jet using the GOTHIC code

MK Fernández-Cosials, G Jimenez… - Nuclear Engineering and …, 2016 - Elsevier
During a severe accident in light water reactor (LWR), hydrogen concentration can overpass
the flammability limits locally, so the correct simulation of its behavior during a release is …

CFD simulations of stratified layer erosion in MiniPanda facility using the tailored CFD solver containmentFOAM

M Kampili, GV Kumar, S Kelm, KA Prakash… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Turbulent gas mixing in a buoyant flow with density gradient is an important physical
mechanism in many applications ranging from industrial gaseous emissions into the …

Study of hydrogen risk in a PWR-W containment during a SBO scenario; Tau parameter definition and application on venting strategy analysis

K Fernández-Cosials, G Jimenez, R Bocanegra… - … Engineering and Design, 2017 - Elsevier
Hydrogen management is still one of the main nuclear safety topics because of its violent
reaction with oxygen. During a severe accident, hydrogen can be generated and it can be …

An assessment of k-ε turbulence models for gas distribution analysis

M Saeed, JY Yu, AAA Abdalla, XP Zhong… - Nuclear Science and …, 2017 - Springer
This paper presents the gas distribution analysis by injecting air fountain into the
containment and simulations with the HYDRAGON code. Turbulence models of standard k-ε …