Innovations in ethnographic methods
LJ Seligmann, BP Estes - American Behavioral Scientist, 2020 -
This article reviews innovations in ethnographic methods that have developed over the past
25 years, specifically the emergence of multisited and short-term fieldwork, digital …
25 years, specifically the emergence of multisited and short-term fieldwork, digital …
[КНИГА][B] Everyday data cultures
The AI revolution can seem powerful and unstoppable, extracting data from every aspect of
our lives and subjecting us to unprecedented surveillance and control. But at ground level …
our lives and subjecting us to unprecedented surveillance and control. But at ground level …
Visual methodologies: An introduction to researching with visual materials
G Rose - 2022 -
This fifth edition of Visual Methodologies contains some significant differences from its
predecessor. The opening chapters have been reorganised to provide a clearer introduction …
predecessor. The opening chapters have been reorganised to provide a clearer introduction …
Rethinking digital anthropology
T Boellstorff - Digital anthropology, 2020 -
A serious threat to the rigor and legitimacy of digital anthropology is when online
researchers claim to have 'done an ethnography'when they conducted interviews in …
researchers claim to have 'done an ethnography'when they conducted interviews in …
[HTML][HTML] Digital anthropology
D Miller - The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 2018 -
'The digital'is defined here as new technologies that are ultimately reducible to binary code.
These have made many cultural artefacts easier and quicker to both reproduce and to share …
These have made many cultural artefacts easier and quicker to both reproduce and to share …
Approaching the cultures of use: Netflix, disruption and the audience
G Turner - Critical Studies in Television, 2019 -
This article draws on an empirical research project on cultural consumption in order to
respond to particular concerns this project raised about our understanding of the current …
respond to particular concerns this project raised about our understanding of the current …
[КНИГА][B] Geographies of journalism: The imaginative power of place in making digital news
RE Gutsche Jr, K Hess - 2018 -
Geographies of Journalism connects theoretical and practical discussions of the role of
geotechnologies, social media, and boots-on-the-ground journalism in a digital age to …
geotechnologies, social media, and boots-on-the-ground journalism in a digital age to …
Defining new directions in the anthropology of dreaming
J Mageo - New Directions in the Anthropology of Dreaming, 2020 -
As new research on dreaming among cognitive psychologists, neuroscientists, and
philosophers of mind emerges, and as anthropologists investigate dreaming in ever more …
philosophers of mind emerges, and as anthropologists investigate dreaming in ever more …
Neutrollization: Industrialized trolling as a pro-Kremlin strategy of desecuritization
This article considers the significance of trolling for security processes through a contextual
analysis of industrialized pro-Kremlin trolling in the Russian blogosphere. The publicity …
analysis of industrialized pro-Kremlin trolling in the Russian blogosphere. The publicity …
Creative misreadings of “Thai BL” by a Filipino fan community: Dislocating knowledge production in transnational queer fandoms through aspirational consumption
T Baudinette - Mechademia: Second Arc, 2020 - JSTOR
While browsing the internet one night in late December 2014, I encountered a Thai
television soap opera, or lakhon, named Lovesick: The Series. As a scholar of Japanese …
television soap opera, or lakhon, named Lovesick: The Series. As a scholar of Japanese …