Progress and recent trends in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines
M Yao, Z Zheng, H Liu - Progress in energy and combustion science, 2009 - Elsevier
HCCI combustion has been drawing the considerable attention due to high efficiency and
lower nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. However, there are still …
lower nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. However, there are still …
Combustion chamber modifications to improve diesel engine performance and reduce emissions: A review
The concept of combustion chamber modifications of diesel engines has been attracting
much attention in the field of engine research. Many researchers are investigating modified …
much attention in the field of engine research. Many researchers are investigating modified …
Using response surface methodology approach for optimizing performance and emission parameters of diesel engine powered with ternary blend of Solketal …
This study focused on optimizing operation parameters of a diesel engine powered with
ternary blends of oxygenated additive (Solketal)-biodiesel (originated from waste cooking …
ternary blends of oxygenated additive (Solketal)-biodiesel (originated from waste cooking …
[Књига][B] Modelling diesel combustion
PA Lakshminarayanan, YV Aghav, Y Shi - 2010 - Springer
Diesel is the most efficient combustion engine today, and it plays an important role in the
transport of goods and passengers on land and on high seas. The emissions must be …
transport of goods and passengers on land and on high seas. The emissions must be …
[HTML][HTML] Investigation of mixing and temperature effects on HC/CO emissions for highly dilute low temperature combustion in a light duty diesel engine
There is a significant global effort to study low temperature combustion (LTC) as a tool to
achieve stringent emission standards with future light duty diesel engines. LTC utilizes high …
achieve stringent emission standards with future light duty diesel engines. LTC utilizes high …
In-cylinder CO and UHC imaging in a light-duty diesel engine during PPCI low-temperature combustion
D Kim, I Ekoto, WF Colban, PC Miles - SAE International Journal of Fuels …, 2009 - JSTOR
Two-dimensional planar imaging and one-dimensional, spectrally-resolved line-imaging of
laser-induced fluorescence from CO and UHC are performed to help identify the sources of …
laser-induced fluorescence from CO and UHC are performed to help identify the sources of …
Effects of piston bowl geometry on mixture development and late-injection low-temperature combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine
Low-temperature combustion (LTC) strategies for diesel engines are of increasing interest
because of their potential to significantly reduce particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide …
because of their potential to significantly reduce particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxide …
Recent development of biodiesel combustion strategies and modelling for compression ignition engines
The combustion phenomena of biodiesel and its blends are not the same as fossil diesel
combustion in compression ignition (CI) engines due to their different physio-chemical fuel …
combustion in compression ignition (CI) engines due to their different physio-chemical fuel …
Effect of intake pressure on performance and emissions in an automotive diesel engine operating in low temperature combustion regimes
WF Colban, PC Miles, S Oh - SAE Transactions, 2007 - JSTOR
A single-cylinder, light-duty, diesel engine was used to investigate the effect of changes in
intake pressure (boost) on engine performance and emissions in lowtemperature …
intake pressure (boost) on engine performance and emissions in lowtemperature …
Effect of air–fuel mixing quality on characteristics of conventional and low temperature diesel combustion
S Han, J Kim, C Bae - Applied Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
A comparative study on the effects of air–fuel mixing quality on combustion characteristics
was carried out in both conventional and low temperature diesel combustion (LTC) regimes …
was carried out in both conventional and low temperature diesel combustion (LTC) regimes …