How ideas matter in public policy: a review of concepts, mechanisms, and methods

M Swinkels - International Review of Public Policy, 2020 -
The recent ideational turn in political science and public administration implies that ideas
matter. Ideas are an essential explanatory concept for understanding policy changes and …

[KNIHA][B] How ideas and institutions shape the politics of public policy

D Béland - 2019 -
This Element provides a critical review of existing literature on the role of ideas and
institutions in the politics of public policy with the aim of contributing to the study of the …

Transformative innovation policy: Addressing variety in an emerging policy paradigm

G Diercks, H Larsen, F Steward - Research Policy, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper presents an analytical framework for assessing the emergence of a new policy
paradigm labelled “transformative innovation policy”, which can be seen as layered upon …

[KNIHA][B] El análisis de políticas públicas: conceptos, teorías y métodos

G Fontaine, J Subirats - 2015 - politicaspublicasydeporte.wordpress …
El libro que tengo el gusto de prologar no es un libro más dedicado al análisis de políticas
públicas. Se trata de una obra original y que surge tras un largo recorrido de su autor, el …

Ideas as coalition magnets: Coalition building, policy entrepreneurs, and power relations

D Béland, RH Cox - Journal of European public policy, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
One of the most common ways by which ideas influence policy outcomes is by facilitating the
construction of a political coalition. The ideas that have this capacity we call coalition …

Policy agenda toward a hydrogen economy: Institutional and technological perspectives

Y Lee, MH Cho, MC Lee, YJ Kim - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The South Korean government aims to become a global leader in the hydrogen
economy. However, policymakers and experts remain concerned about the gap between the …

Looking through a policy window with tinted glasses: Setting the agenda for US AI policy

DS Schiff - Review of Policy Research, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The policy agenda is currently being established for artificial intelligence (AI), a domain
marked by complex and swee** implications for economic transformation tempered by …

Neoliberalism by stealth? Exploring continuity and change within the UK social enterprise policy paradigm

A Nicholls, S Teasdale - Policy & Politics, 2017 -
Social enterprise has been portrayed as challenging neoliberalism, and alternatively, as
neoliberalism by stealth. Here we conceptualise social enterprise as a microparadigm …

[KNIHA][B] The projectification of the public sector

DE Hodgson, M Fred, S Bailey, P Hall - 2019 -
Names: Hodgson, Damian E., editor.| Fred, Mats, editor. Title: The projectification of the
public sector/edited by Damian Hodgson, Mats Fred, Simon Bailey, and Patrik Hall …

Kingdon reconsidered: Ideas, interests and institutions in comparative policy analysis

D Béland - Journal of comparative policy analysis: research and …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Initially published in 1984, John W. Kingdon's Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies
has long been classic reading in policy studies. This paper systematically explores its …