Reevaluating carbon fluxes in subduction zones, what goes down, mostly comes up

PB Kelemen, CE Manning - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2015 -
Carbon fluxes in subduction zones can be better constrained by including new estimates of
carbon concentration in subducting mantle peridotites, consideration of carbonate solubility …

The role of serpentinites in cycling of carbon and sulfur: Seafloor serpentinization and subduction metamorphism

JC Alt, EM Schwarzenbach, GL Früh-Green… - Lithos, 2013 - Elsevier
We summarize the uptake of carbon and sulfur during serpentinization of seafloor
peridotites, and discuss the fate of these volatiles during subduction of serpentinite. We use …

Uncovering and quantifying the subduction zone sulfur cycle from the slab perspective

JL Li, EM Schwarzenbach, T John, JJ Ague… - Nature …, 2020 -
Sulfur belongs among H2O, CO2, and Cl as one of the key volatiles in Earth's chemical
cycles. High oxygen fugacity, sulfur concentration, and δ34S values in volcanic arc rocks …

[HTML][HTML] Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the modern sulfur cycle

R Tostevin, AV Turchyn, J Farquhar… - Earth and planetary …, 2014 - Elsevier
We present 28 multiple sulfur isotope measurements of seawater sulfate (δ 34 S SO 4 and Δ
33 S SO 4) from the modern ocean over a range of water depths and sites along the eastern …

Deserpentinization in subduction zones as a source of oxidation in arcs: A reality check

KA Evans, BR Frost - Journal of Petrology, 2020 -
Previous studies have concluded that dehydration of serpentinites in subduction zones
produces oxidizing fluids that are the cause of oxidized arc magmas. Here, observations of …

Fluid-metasomatized rocks with extremely low δ26Mg values in subducted oceanic lithosphere: Implications for mantle Mg isotope heterogeneity and the origin of low …

JW **ong, YX Chen, M Scambelluri, XY Qiao… - … et cosmochimica acta, 2024 - Elsevier
The subduction of oceanic slabs with diverse lithologies greatly contributes to the
geochemical heterogeneity of the mantle. Oceanic metasomatism leads to the formation of …

Initial results from the Oman drilling project multi‐borehole observatory: Petrogenesis and ongoing alteration of mantle peridotite in the weathering horizon

PB Kelemen, JA Leong… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Oman Drilling Project “Multi‐Borehole Observatory”(MBO) samples an area of
active weathering of tectonically exposed peridotite. This article reviews the geology of the …

Isotopic compositions of sulfides in exhumed high‐pressure terranes: implications for sulfur cycling in subduction zones

JB Walters, AM Cruz‐Uribe… - Geochemistry …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Subduction is a key component of Earth's long‐term sulfur cycle; however, the mechanisms
that drive sulfur from subducting slabs remain elusive. Isotopes are a sensitive indicator of …

Aqueous geochemical and microbial variation across discrete depth intervals in a peridotite aquifer assessed using a packer system in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman

DB Nothaft, AS Templeton, ES Boyd… - Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The potential for molecular hydrogen () generated via serpentinization to fuel subsurface
microbial ecosystems independent from photosynthesis has prompted biogeochemical …

Sulphur geodynamic cycle

T Kagoshima, Y Sano, N Takahata, T Maruoka… - Scientific Reports, 2015 -
Abstract Evaluation of volcanic and hydrothermal fluxes to the surface environments is
important to elucidate the geochemical cycle of sulphur and the evolution of ocean …