Reevaluating carbon fluxes in subduction zones, what goes down, mostly comes up
Carbon fluxes in subduction zones can be better constrained by including new estimates of
carbon concentration in subducting mantle peridotites, consideration of carbonate solubility …
carbon concentration in subducting mantle peridotites, consideration of carbonate solubility …
The role of serpentinites in cycling of carbon and sulfur: Seafloor serpentinization and subduction metamorphism
We summarize the uptake of carbon and sulfur during serpentinization of seafloor
peridotites, and discuss the fate of these volatiles during subduction of serpentinite. We use …
peridotites, and discuss the fate of these volatiles during subduction of serpentinite. We use …
Uncovering and quantifying the subduction zone sulfur cycle from the slab perspective
Sulfur belongs among H2O, CO2, and Cl as one of the key volatiles in Earth's chemical
cycles. High oxygen fugacity, sulfur concentration, and δ34S values in volcanic arc rocks …
cycles. High oxygen fugacity, sulfur concentration, and δ34S values in volcanic arc rocks …
[HTML][HTML] Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on the modern sulfur cycle
We present 28 multiple sulfur isotope measurements of seawater sulfate (δ 34 S SO 4 and Δ
33 S SO 4) from the modern ocean over a range of water depths and sites along the eastern …
33 S SO 4) from the modern ocean over a range of water depths and sites along the eastern …
Deserpentinization in subduction zones as a source of oxidation in arcs: A reality check
KA Evans, BR Frost - Journal of Petrology, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Previous studies have concluded that dehydration of serpentinites in subduction zones
produces oxidizing fluids that are the cause of oxidized arc magmas. Here, observations of …
produces oxidizing fluids that are the cause of oxidized arc magmas. Here, observations of …
Fluid-metasomatized rocks with extremely low δ26Mg values in subducted oceanic lithosphere: Implications for mantle Mg isotope heterogeneity and the origin of low …
JW **ong, YX Chen, M Scambelluri, XY Qiao… - … et cosmochimica acta, 2024 - Elsevier
The subduction of oceanic slabs with diverse lithologies greatly contributes to the
geochemical heterogeneity of the mantle. Oceanic metasomatism leads to the formation of …
geochemical heterogeneity of the mantle. Oceanic metasomatism leads to the formation of …
Initial results from the Oman drilling project multi‐borehole observatory: Petrogenesis and ongoing alteration of mantle peridotite in the weathering horizon
Abstract The Oman Drilling Project “Multi‐Borehole Observatory”(MBO) samples an area of
active weathering of tectonically exposed peridotite. This article reviews the geology of the …
active weathering of tectonically exposed peridotite. This article reviews the geology of the …
Isotopic compositions of sulfides in exhumed high‐pressure terranes: implications for sulfur cycling in subduction zones
Subduction is a key component of Earth's long‐term sulfur cycle; however, the mechanisms
that drive sulfur from subducting slabs remain elusive. Isotopes are a sensitive indicator of …
that drive sulfur from subducting slabs remain elusive. Isotopes are a sensitive indicator of …
Aqueous geochemical and microbial variation across discrete depth intervals in a peridotite aquifer assessed using a packer system in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
The potential for molecular hydrogen () generated via serpentinization to fuel subsurface
microbial ecosystems independent from photosynthesis has prompted biogeochemical …
microbial ecosystems independent from photosynthesis has prompted biogeochemical …
Sulphur geodynamic cycle
Abstract Evaluation of volcanic and hydrothermal fluxes to the surface environments is
important to elucidate the geochemical cycle of sulphur and the evolution of ocean …
important to elucidate the geochemical cycle of sulphur and the evolution of ocean …