Testing for adverse selection in insurance markets

A Cohen, P Siegelman - Journal of Risk and insurance, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
This article reviews and evaluates the empirical literature on adverse selection in insurance
markets. We focus on empirical work that seeks to test the basic coverage–risk prediction of …

The impact of user charges on health outcomes in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review

VM Qin, T Hone, C Millett, R Moreno-Serra… - BMJ Global …, 2019 - gh.bmj.com
Background User charges are widely used health financing mechanisms in many health
systems in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to insufficient public …

Testing for asymmetric information in insurance markets

PA Chiappori, B Salanie - Journal of political Economy, 2000 - journals.uchicago.edu
The first goal of this paper is to provide a simple and general test of the presence of
asymmetric information in contractual relationships within a competitive context. We also …

Unnatural experiments? Estimating the incidence of endogenous policies

T Besley, A Case - The Economic Journal, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
There are numerous empirical studies that exploit variation in policies over space and time
in the US federal system. If state policy making is purposeful action, responsive to economic …

A history of the term “moral hazard”

D Rowell, LB Connelly - Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The term “moral hazard” when interpreted literally has a strong rhetorical tone, which has
been used by stakeholders to influence public attitudes to insurance. In contrast, economists …

Testing contract theory: A survey of some recent work

PA Chiappori, B Salanié - 2002 - econstor.eu
While the theoretical literature on contracts has been enormous since the seventies,
empirical tests of the theory have long remained scarce. However, new empirical work has …

Access to physician services: does supplemental insurance matter? Evidence from France

TC Buchmueller, A Couffinhal, M Grignon… - Health …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
In France, public health insurance is universal but incomplete, with private payments
accounting for roughly 25% of all spending. As a result, most people have supplemental …

[КНИГА][B] Access to health care

M Gulliford, M Morgan - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
To what extent can we have truly universal, comprehensive and timely health services,
equally available to all? Access to Health Care considers the meaning of'access' in health …

After midnight: A regression discontinuity design in length of postpartum hospital stays

D Almond, JJ Doyle Jr - American Economic Journal: Economic …, 2011 - pubs.aeaweb.org
Estimates of moral hazard in health insurance markets can be confounded by adverse
selection. This paper considers a plausibly exogenous source of variation in insurance …

Incentive effects in the demand for health care: a bivariate panel count data estimation

RT Riphahn, A Wambach… - Journal of applied …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
This paper contributes in three dimensions to the literature on health care demand. First, it
features the first application of a bivariate random effects estimator in a count data setting, to …