Health, nutrition, and economic development
Over the past 20 years, investment in human resources has taken center stage in the study
of develo** economies. A voluminous set of wage function estimates provides the basis …
of develo** economies. A voluminous set of wage function estimates provides the basis …
Labor supply: A review of alternative approaches
R Blundell, T MaCurdy - Handbook of labor economics, 1999 - Elsevier
This chapter surveys existing approaches to modeling labor supply and identifies important
gaps in the literature that could be addressed in future research. The discussion begins with …
gaps in the literature that could be addressed in future research. The discussion begins with …
The economics of fertility: A new era
In this survey, we argue that the economic analysis of fertility has entered a new era. First-
generation models of fertility choice were designed to account for two empirical regularities …
generation models of fertility choice were designed to account for two empirical regularities …
Gender inequality in paid and unpaid work during covid‐19 times
We employ real‐time household data to study the impact of the pandemic lockdown on paid
and unpaid work in Spain. We document large employment losses that affected more …
and unpaid work in Spain. We document large employment losses that affected more …
On her own account: How strengthening women's financial control impacts labor supply and gender norms
Can increasing control over earnings incentivize a woman to work, and thereby influence
norms around gender roles? We randomly varied whether rural Indian women received …
norms around gender roles? We randomly varied whether rural Indian women received …
The gendered division of paid and domestic work under lockdown
This paper provides novel empirical evidence on the effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on
the division of labour between parents of school‐aged children in two‐parent opposite …
the division of labour between parents of school‐aged children in two‐parent opposite …
Parenthood and the gender gap in pay
We compare the income and wage trajectories of women to those of their male partners
before and after parenthood. Focusing on the within-couple gap allows us to control for both …
before and after parenthood. Focusing on the within-couple gap allows us to control for both …
The social and economic impact of Covid-19 on family functioning and well-being: Where do we go from here?
A growing body of research demonstrates that COVID-19 has had a profound impact on
family functioning and well-being in a range of countries. The fear and uncertainty of the …
family functioning and well-being in a range of countries. The fear and uncertainty of the …
[HTML][HTML] Fathers matter: Intrahousehold responsibilities and children's wellbeing during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy
The lockdown imposed during the spring of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
upset families lives, in addition to the health consequences of the virus, forcing parents to …
upset families lives, in addition to the health consequences of the virus, forcing parents to …
[КНИГА][B] Incomplete revolution: Adapting welfare states to women's new roles
G Es**-Andersen - 2009 -
Our future depends very much on how we respond to three great challenges of the new
century, all of which threaten to increase social inequality: first, how we adapt institutions to …
century, all of which threaten to increase social inequality: first, how we adapt institutions to …