Deep representation learning in speech processing: Challenges, recent advances, and future trends
Research on speech processing has traditionally considered the task of designing hand-
engineered acoustic features (feature engineering) as a separate distinct problem from the …
engineered acoustic features (feature engineering) as a separate distinct problem from the …
Adversarial attacks against automatic speech recognition systems via psychoacoustic hiding
Voice interfaces are becoming accepted widely as input methods for a diverse set of
devices. This development is driven by rapid improvements in automatic speech recognition …
devices. This development is driven by rapid improvements in automatic speech recognition …
Noise invariant frame selection: a simple method to address the background noise problem for text-independent speaker verification
The performance of speaker-related systems usually degrades heavily in practical
applications largely due to the presence of background noise. To improve the robustness of …
applications largely due to the presence of background noise. To improve the robustness of …
Age group classification and gender recognition from speech with temporal convolutional neural networks
This paper analyses the performance of different types of Deep Neural Networks to jointly
estimate age and identify gender from speech, to be applied in Interactive Voice Response …
estimate age and identify gender from speech, to be applied in Interactive Voice Response …
An improved deep embedding learning method for short duration speaker verification
Z Gao, Y Song, IV McLoughlin, W Guo, LR Dai - 2018 -
This paper presents an improved deep embedding learning method based on convolutional
neural networks (CNN) for short-duration speaker verification (SV). Existing deep learning …
neural networks (CNN) for short-duration speaker verification (SV). Existing deep learning …
Noise robust speaker recognition based on adaptive frame weighting in GMM for i-vector extraction
Even though speaker recognition has gained significant progress in recent years, its
performance is known to be deteriorated severely with the existence of strong background …
performance is known to be deteriorated severely with the existence of strong background …
Time-contrastive learning based deep bottleneck features for text-dependent speaker verification
There are a number of studies about extraction of bottleneck (BN) features from deep neural
networks (DNNs) trained to discriminate speakers, pass-phrases, and triphone states for …
networks (DNNs) trained to discriminate speakers, pass-phrases, and triphone states for …
Age and gender recognition from speech using deep neural networks
This paper deals with joint gender identification and age group classification from speech,
aimed at improving the functionalities of Interactive Voice Response Systems. Deep Neural …
aimed at improving the functionalities of Interactive Voice Response Systems. Deep Neural …
Voice-based gender identification using co-occurrence-based features
Automatic detection of gender based on audio is gaining its popularity day-by-day because
of its several applications in several domains. But most of the past research works are …
of its several applications in several domains. But most of the past research works are …
Optimizing neural network embeddings using a pair-wise loss for text-independent speaker verification
This paper proposes a new loss function called the “quartet” loss for the better optimization
of the neural networks for matching tasks. For such tasks, where neural network embeddings …
of the neural networks for matching tasks. For such tasks, where neural network embeddings …