[PDF][PDF] A Comprehensive review on cybersecurity issues and their mitigation measures in FinTech

G Ali, MM Mijwil, BA Buruga, M Abotaleb - 2024 - iasj.net
The fourth industrial revolution has seen the evolution and wide adoption of game-changing
and disruptive innovation" financial technologies (FinTech)" around the globe. However, the …

Comparison of methods for analyzing the correlation of user experience and information security

M Sauer, S Alpers, C Becker - Proceedings of the 2023 5th International …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
User experience (UX) is a quality requirement of software, but it can also negatively or
positively influence the information security. It is not uncommon for users to misuse or even …

User Involvement in FinTech Product Design

EO Bolaji - 2022 - opus4.kobv.de
This thesis investigates the user involvement practices in the product design process of
FinTech UX practitioners mainly located in Nigeria. The study aims to identify the design …

Exploring the Role of Service Personnels' Key Relationships in Military Cyber Resilience

F Kooner-Evans - 2024 - eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk
When creating an organisation with a strong Cybersecurity Culture, a consideration of
individuals' awareness, attitudes and values are key to building a workforce that is resilient …

Models of Middle Management Roles and Competencies in Agile Project Governance: A Multiple-Case Study in Nigerian Small-Scale Agile Software Development …

MC Uwadi - 2024 - clok.uclan.ac.uk
Project governance (PG) is a crucial, multifaceted, and complex activity that is performed
during agile software development (ASD) projects, and encompasses the necessary …

[BOOK][B] Methods for analyzing the relation of user experience and information security in the project SDIKA

M Sauer, M Toran - 2024 - researchgate.net
Abstract The project “Schaufenster Sichere Digitale Identitäten Karlsruhe”(engl. Showcase
Secure Digital Identities Karlsruhe, short SDIKA) is one of four nationwide projects funded by …