What is the readiness potential?
The readiness potential (RP), a slow buildup of electrical potential recorded at the scalp
using electroencephalography, has been associated with neural activity involved in …
using electroencephalography, has been associated with neural activity involved in …
[HTML][HTML] Central nervous system physiology
This is the second chapter of the series on the use of clinical neurophysiology for the study
of movement disorders. It focusses on methods that can be used to probe neural circuits in …
of movement disorders. It focusses on methods that can be used to probe neural circuits in …
Pre‐movement event‐related potentials and multivariate pattern of EEG encode action outcome prediction
Self‐initiated movements are accompanied by an efference copy, a motor command sent
from motor regions to the sensory cortices, containing a prediction of the movement's …
from motor regions to the sensory cortices, containing a prediction of the movement's …
[HTML][HTML] Ready to go: higher sense of agency enhances action readiness and reduces response inhibition
Sense of agency is the subjective feeling of being in control of one's actions and their effects.
Many studies have elucidated the cognitive and sensorimotor processes that drive this …
Many studies have elucidated the cognitive and sensorimotor processes that drive this …
Neurophysiological evidence of motor preparation in inner speech and the effect of content predictability
Self-generated overt actions are preceded by a slow negativity as measured by
electroencephalogram, which has been associated with motor preparation. Recent studies …
electroencephalogram, which has been associated with motor preparation. Recent studies …
Evaluation of an action's effectiveness by the motor system in a dynamic environment.
Abstract [Clarification Notice: A clarification for this article was reported in Vol 152 (3) of
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (see record 2023-63989-001). Reports an …
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (see record 2023-63989-001). Reports an …
Modulation of anticipatory brain activity as a function of action complexity
Stimulus-driven actions are preceded by preparatory brain activity that can be expressed by
event-related potentials (ERP). Literature on this topic has focused on simple actions, such …
event-related potentials (ERP). Literature on this topic has focused on simple actions, such …
Real and imagined sensory feedback have comparable effects on action anticipation
The forward model monitors the success of sensory feedback to an action and links it to an
efference copy originating in the motor system. The Readiness Potential (RP) of the …
efference copy originating in the motor system. The Readiness Potential (RP) of the …
Exploring the internal forward model: action-effect prediction and attention in sensorimotor processing
Action-effect predictions are believed to facilitate movement based on its association with
sensory objectives and suppress the neurophysiological response to self-versus externally …
sensory objectives and suppress the neurophysiological response to self-versus externally …
On the Feasibility of EEG-based Motor Intention Detection for Real-Time Robot Assistive Control
This paper explores the feasibility of employing EEG-based intention detection for real-time
robot assistive control. We focus on predicting and distinguishing motor intentions of left/right …
robot assistive control. We focus on predicting and distinguishing motor intentions of left/right …