Making waves: kinetic processes controlling surface evolution during low energy ion sputtering

WL Chan, E Chason - Journal of applied physics, 2007 -
When collimated beams of low energy ions are used to bombard materials, the surface often
develops a periodic pattern or “ripple” structure. Different types of patterns are observed to …

Roughening and ripple instabilities on ion-bombarded Si

G Carter, V Vishnyakov - Physical Review B, 1996 - APS
Abstract Experimental studies of 10-40-keV Xe+ ion bombardment of Si at polar incidence
angles between 0 and 45 to the surface normal at temperatures between 100 and 300 K …

Theory of nanoscale pattern formation induced by normal-incidence ion bombardment of binary compounds

PD Shipman, RM Bradley - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2011 - APS
A theory is developed that explains the genesis of the strikingly regular hexagonal arrays of
nanodots that can form when the flat surface of a binary compound is subjected to normal …

Coupling of morphology to surface transport in ion-beam irradiated surfaces: Oblique incidence

J Muñoz-García, R Cuerno, M Castro - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2008 - APS
We propose and study a continuum model for the dynamics of amorphizable surfaces
undergoing ion-beam sputtering (IBS) at intermediate energies and oblique incidence. After …

Recrystallization effects in spray-pyrolyzed Nb2O5 thin films induced by 100 MeV O7+ swift heavy ion beam irradiation

R Rathika, M Kovendhan, DP Joseph… - Materials Science and …, 2022 - Elsevier
In this work, the influence of 100 MeV O 7+ high energy swift heavy ion beam irradiation at
varied fluences on the modification of properties of spray-deposited thin niobium pentoxide …

Formation of discontinuous tracks in single-crystalline InP by 250-MeV Xe-ion irradiation

O Herre, W Wesch, E Wendler, PI Gaiduk, FF Komarov… - Physical Review B, 1998 - APS
Damage production was studied in 250-MeV Xe-ion irradiated single-crystalline InP by
means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry using a channeling technique and cross …

Anisotropic deformation of colloidal particles under MeV ion irradiation

T Van Dillen, E Snoeks, W Fukarek… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2001 - Elsevier
Spherical silica colloids with a diameter of 1.0 μm, made by wet chemical synthesis, were
irradiated with 2–16 MeV Au ions at fluences ranging from 2× 10 14to 11× 10 14cm− 2. The …

Swelling as a stabilizing mechanism in irradiated thin films: III. Effect on critical angle in a composite model

T Evans, S Norris - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2023 -
Ion-beam irradiation of an amorphizable material such as Si or Ge may lead to spontaneous
pattern formation, rather than flat surfaces, for irradiation beyond some critical angle against …

Electronic excitation induced mass transport on 200 MeV ion irradiated Si surface

JP Singh, R Singh, D Kanjilal, NC Mishra… - Journal of Applied …, 2000 -
Modification on Si (111) surface resulting from 200 MeV Ag 107+ 14 ion irradiation at an
incidence angle of 15° with respect to the surface normal has been investigated by atomic …

A study on 120áMeV Ag9+ irradiation induced modifications in structural, electrical and optical behavior of ZnSnO3 thin films

R Kumaravel, K Ramamurthi, I Sulania… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2012 - Elsevier
Spray deposited ZnSnO3 thin films have been irradiated with 120MeV Ag9+ ions at the
fluence of 1× 1012 and 1× 1013ionscm− 2. The structural, electrical and optical properties of …