O brother, where start thou? Sibling spillovers on college and major choice in four countries
Family and social networks are widely believed to influence important life decisions, but
causal identification of those effects is notoriously challenging. Using data from Chile …
causal identification of those effects is notoriously challenging. Using data from Chile …
Spillovers in education choice
This paper examines how skills are shaped by social interactions in families. We show that
older siblings causally affect younger sibling's educational choices and early career …
older siblings causally affect younger sibling's educational choices and early career …
Sibling spillovers
It is notoriously difficult to identify peer effects within the family. Using administrative data on
children from both Florida and Denmark, the paper examines the effects of having a …
children from both Florida and Denmark, the paper examines the effects of having a …
The effect of a sibling's gender on earnings and family formation
We examine how the gender of a sibling affects labor market outcomes and family formation.
Identification is complicated by parental preferences: if parents prefer certain sex …
Identification is complicated by parental preferences: if parents prefer certain sex …
Setting a good example?: Examining sibling spillovers in educational achievement using a regression discontinuity design
Using a regression discontinuity design generated by school-entry cutoffs and school
records from an anonymous district in Florida, we identify externalities in human capital …
records from an anonymous district in Florida, we identify externalities in human capital …
[PDF][PDF] Family spillover effects of marginal diagnoses: The case of ADHD
2Appendix Table C16 documents a spillover on extensive margin drug consumption in the
first year following diagnosis, but no statistically significant spillover on extensive margin …
first year following diagnosis, but no statistically significant spillover on extensive margin …
In the footsteps of siblings: College attendance disparities and the intragenerational transmission of educational advantage
CM Smith - Socius, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Studies in social stratification have used siblings as a tool to learn about the
intergenerational transmission of advantage but less often have asked how siblings impact …
intergenerational transmission of advantage but less often have asked how siblings impact …
[PDF][PDF] Surviving childhood: Health and crime effects of removing a child from home
R Helénsdotter - Job Market Paper, 2023 - aiel.it
This paper studies the effects of the court-ordered removal of children from home on health
and crime. To isolate causal effects, I exploit quasi-random variation in judge assignment …
and crime. To isolate causal effects, I exploit quasi-random variation in judge assignment …
Peer Effects in Education
A Barrios-Fernandez - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics …, 2023 - oxfordre.com
The identification of peer effects is challenging. There are many factors not related to social
influences that could explain correlations among peers. Peers have been shown to affect …
influences that could explain correlations among peers. Peers have been shown to affect …
[KNIHA][B] Intergenerational and sibling peer effects in high school majors
This paper estimates peer effects both from parents to children and from older to younger
siblings in academic fields of study in high school. Despite the importance of family peer …
siblings in academic fields of study in high school. Despite the importance of family peer …