Studying the effects of congruence of auditory and visual stimuli on virtual reality experiences
Studies in virtual reality (VR) have introduced numerous multisensory simulation techniques
for more immersive VR experiences. However, although they primarily focus on expanding …
for more immersive VR experiences. However, although they primarily focus on expanding …
" I'm Not Touching You. It's The Robot!": Inclusion Through A Touch-Based Robot Among Mixed-Visual Ability Children
Children with visual impairments often struggle to fully participate in group activities due to
limited access to visual cues. They have difficulty perceiving what is happening, when, and …
limited access to visual cues. They have difficulty perceiving what is happening, when, and …
Exploring crossmodal correspondences for future research in human movement augmentation
“Crossmodal correspondences” are the consistent map**s between perceptual
dimensions or stimuli from different sensory domains, which have been widely observed in …
dimensions or stimuli from different sensory domains, which have been widely observed in …
It's Touching: Understanding Touch-Affect Association in Shape-Change with Kinematic Features
With the proliferation of shape-change research in affective computing, there is a need to
deepen understandings of affective responses to shape-change display. Little research has …
deepen understandings of affective responses to shape-change display. Little research has …
The impact of motion features of hand-drawn lines on emotional expression: An experimental study
This study delves into the nuanced interplay between the motion features of hand-drawn
lines and their capacity to convey emotions, a relatively underexplored facet within the realm …
lines and their capacity to convey emotions, a relatively underexplored facet within the realm …
SonoHaptics: An Audio-Haptic Cursor for Gaze-Based Object Selection in XR
We introduce SonoHaptics, an audio-haptic cursor for gaze-based 3D object selection.
SonoHaptics addresses challenges around providing accurate visual feedback during gaze …
SonoHaptics addresses challenges around providing accurate visual feedback during gaze …
Smiles Summon the Warmth of Spring: A Design Framework for Thermal-Affective Interaction based in Chinese Cí Poetry
Thermal-affective experience is a growing topic in Human-Computer Interaction. However,
research linking thermal and affective experience in technology use has not moved beyond …
research linking thermal and affective experience in technology use has not moved beyond …
Pic2Tac: Creating Accessible Tactile Images using Semantic Information from Photographs
We introduce Pic2Tac, a novel system that automatically converts photographs into tactile
images. It offers an alternative way to communicate visual information that is difficult to …
images. It offers an alternative way to communicate visual information that is difficult to …
Expanding the interaction repertoire of a social drone: Physically expressive possibilities of a perched BiRDe
The field of human–drone interaction (HDI) has investigated an increasing number of
applications for social drones, all while focusing on the drone's inherent ability to fly, thus …
applications for social drones, all while focusing on the drone's inherent ability to fly, thus …
Investigating crossmodal correspondences between vibrotactile stimuli, colour, and emotions
There is an increasing interest in Human–computer Interaction in multisensory interactive
systems, creating a need to deepen our understanding of how multiple sensory modalities …
systems, creating a need to deepen our understanding of how multiple sensory modalities …