Studying the effects of congruence of auditory and visual stimuli on virtual reality experiences

H Kim, IK Lee - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and …, 2022‏ -
Studies in virtual reality (VR) have introduced numerous multisensory simulation techniques
for more immersive VR experiences. However, although they primarily focus on expanding …

" I'm Not Touching You. It's The Robot!": Inclusion Through A Touch-Based Robot Among Mixed-Visual Ability Children

I Neto, Y Hu, F Correia, F Rocha, J Nogueira… - Proceedings of the …, 2024‏ -
Children with visual impairments often struggle to fully participate in group activities due to
limited access to visual cues. They have difficulty perceiving what is happening, when, and …

Exploring crossmodal correspondences for future research in human movement augmentation

M Pinardi, N Di Stefano, G Di Pino… - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023‏ -
“Crossmodal correspondences” are the consistent map**s between perceptual
dimensions or stimuli from different sensory domains, which have been widely observed in …

It's Touching: Understanding Touch-Affect Association in Shape-Change with Kinematic Features

F Feng, D Bennett, Z Fan, O Metatla - … of the 2022 CHI Conference on …, 2022‏ -
With the proliferation of shape-change research in affective computing, there is a need to
deepen understandings of affective responses to shape-change display. Little research has …

The impact of motion features of hand-drawn lines on emotional expression: An experimental study

Y Lin, G Yang, Y Ze, L Zhang, B **ng, X Liu, R Lyu - Computers & Graphics, 2024‏ - Elsevier
This study delves into the nuanced interplay between the motion features of hand-drawn
lines and their capacity to convey emotions, a relatively underexplored facet within the realm …

SonoHaptics: An Audio-Haptic Cursor for Gaze-Based Object Selection in XR

H Cho, N Sendhilnathan, M Nebeling, T Wang… - Proceedings of the 37th …, 2024‏ -
We introduce SonoHaptics, an audio-haptic cursor for gaze-based 3D object selection.
SonoHaptics addresses challenges around providing accurate visual feedback during gaze …

Smiles Summon the Warmth of Spring: A Design Framework for Thermal-Affective Interaction based in Chinese Cí Poetry

F Feng, D Bennett, ED Mekler - Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing …, 2024‏ -
Thermal-affective experience is a growing topic in Human-Computer Interaction. However,
research linking thermal and affective experience in technology use has not moved beyond …

Pic2Tac: Creating Accessible Tactile Images using Semantic Information from Photographs

K Pakenaite, E Kamperou, MJ Proulx… - Proceedings of the …, 2024‏ -
We introduce Pic2Tac, a novel system that automatically converts photographs into tactile
images. It offers an alternative way to communicate visual information that is difficult to …

Expanding the interaction repertoire of a social drone: Physically expressive possibilities of a perched BiRDe

O Fartook, K MacLean, T Oron-Gilad… - International Journal of …, 2024‏ - Springer
The field of human–drone interaction (HDI) has investigated an increasing number of
applications for social drones, all while focusing on the drone's inherent ability to fly, thus …

Investigating crossmodal correspondences between vibrotactile stimuli, colour, and emotions

I Neto, I Soares, A Paiva, H Nicolau - International Journal of Human …, 2025‏ - Elsevier
There is an increasing interest in Human–computer Interaction in multisensory interactive
systems, creating a need to deepen our understanding of how multiple sensory modalities …