Mengonstruksi rancangan soal domain kompetensi literasi saintifik siswa smp kelas viii pada topik gerak lurus

AR Setiawan, S Utari, MG Nugraha - WaPFi (Wahana Pendidikan …, 2017 -
Seiring perkembangan zaman, literasi saintifik dipilih sebagai tujuan utama pendidikan
sains. Literasi saintifik dianggap bisa digunakan untuk mempersiapkan generasi saat ini …

Analisis motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika sekolah menengah atas

N Sari, W Sunarno, S Sarwanto - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2018 -
The objectives of this research are to 1) find out the profile of student’ s learning
motivation in Physics class measured by aspects such as Attention, Relevation, Confidence …

Development of an android application in the form of a simulation lab as learning media for senior high school students

IM Astra, H Nasbey, A Nugraha - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics …, 2015 -
Background: Technological development has created breakthroughs in learning. M-learning
can give access students to learn anytime and anywhere by using their mobile devices. M …

Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran fisika berbasis media laboratorium virtual pada materi Dualisme Gelombang Partikel di SMA Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar

I Yusuf - Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 2013 -
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan media dan perangkat pembelajaran
Fisika berbasis laboratorium virtual. Prosedur pengembangannya mengikuti model four-D …

Character building in physics learning for Indonesia children

IM Astra - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018 -
This paper aims to develop the character of Indonesia children in physics learning.
Indonesia now face moral crisis that is very dangerous and threatening for young …

[PDF][PDF] Develo** device of learning based on virtual laboratory through phet simulation for physics lesson with sound material

T Abdjul, N Ntobuo - International Journal of Sciences: Basic and …, 2018 -
This research is aimed to develop learning device based on virtual laboratory through PheT
simulation which is implemented in SMA Negeri 1 Limboto Barat for Physics lesson with …

Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Semangat Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Cipta Karya Aceh

Z Zahara, K Kamaruddin… - Jurnal Ilmiah Dan Karya …, 2023 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi dan semangat kerja karyawan
pada cipta karya aceh. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 karyawan …

The effectiveness of e-Lab to improve generic science skills and understanding the concept of physics

J Siswanto, J Saefan, S Suparmi… - Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika …, 2016 -
The aimed of this sudy are:(1) investigate the effectiveness of E-Lab to improve generic
science skills and understanding the concepts oh physics; and (2) investigate the effect of …

The performance assessment of undergraduate students in physics laboratory by using guided inquiry

H Mubarok, A Lutfiyah, A Kholiq… - Journal of Physics …, 2018 -
The performance assessment of basic physics experiment among undergraduate physics
students which includes three stages: pre-laboratory, conducting experiment and final report …

[PDF][PDF] The Development Of Chemistry Virtual Laboratory On Colloidal System To Improve Generic Science Skills

K Khaeruman, D Darmatasyah… - Hydrogen: Jurnal …, 2017 -
This study animed to obtain the from and feasibility of teaching materials interactive
multimedia based on virtual laboratory on colloidal system concept for SMA. The …