[HTML][HTML] Current progress in application of 1-methylcyclopropene to improve postharvest quality of cut flowers
Floral senescence or petal abscission that determine cut flower quality and longevity are
primarily caused by the regulation of endogenous ethylene and perception of endogenous …
primarily caused by the regulation of endogenous ethylene and perception of endogenous …
[HTML][HTML] Ethylene-dependent regulation of oxidative stress in the leaves of fusaric acid-treated tomato plants
The mycotoxin fusaric acid (FA) induces rapid oxidative burst leading to cell death in plants.
At the same time, plant defence reactions are mediated by several phytohormones for …
At the same time, plant defence reactions are mediated by several phytohormones for …
The efficacies of 1-methylcyclopropene and chitosan nanoparticles in preserving the postharvest quality of damask rose and their underlying biochemical and …
Simple Summary Damask rose is one of the most important aromatic plants that is being
used in the perfume, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. However, the short blooming …
used in the perfume, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. However, the short blooming …
Melatonin as a new postharvest treatment for increasing cut carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) vase life
The marketability of cut flowers is directly affected by their vase life, which determines
acceptability for commercial purposes. In carnations and other species of cut flowers, corolla …
acceptability for commercial purposes. In carnations and other species of cut flowers, corolla …
Fumonisin B1-induced oxidative burst perturbed photosynthetic activity and affected antioxidant enzymatic response in tomato plants in ethylene-dependent manner
Abstract Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a harmful mycotoxin produced by Fusarium species, which
results in oxidative stress leading to cell death in plants. FB1 perturbs the metabolism of …
results in oxidative stress leading to cell death in plants. FB1 perturbs the metabolism of …
Ethylene-dependent effects of fusaric acid and fumonisin B1 on photosynthetic activity and reactive oxygen species metabolism in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) …
N Iqbal - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Mycotoxins such as fusaric acid (FA) and fumonisin B1 (FB1) are secondary metabolites of
several Fusarium species which cause the reduction of crop productivity and yield …
several Fusarium species which cause the reduction of crop productivity and yield …
[PDF][PDF] Extending vase life of Narcissus tazetta L. cut flowers using selenium and 1-methylcyclopropene treatments
Abstract The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and selenium (Se) on postharvest
quality and the vase life of Narcissus tazetta were investigated. A factorial experiment based …
quality and the vase life of Narcissus tazetta were investigated. A factorial experiment based …
Effects of 1-MCP and ethylene on preservation of quality and vase life of Alstroemeria (cvs. Hercules and Mayfair) cut flowers
A Nasiri, N Ahmadi, G Movahed - Advances in Horticultural Science, 2020 - torrossa.com
In order to improve the vase life characteristics and postharvest quali ty of Alstroemeria cut
flowers cv. Hercules and Mayfair, the effects of 1 methyl cyclopropene (1 MCP) and ethylene …
flowers cv. Hercules and Mayfair, the effects of 1 methyl cyclopropene (1 MCP) and ethylene …
The effects of exogenous ethylene on biochemical characteristics and enzymatic activity associated with aging of two ecotypes of Damask rose.
G Movahed, N Ahmadi, A Moieni - 2018 - cabidigitallibrary.org
In order to evaluate the responses of two ecotypes of Damask rose (Rosa damascena) to
exogenous ethylene, an experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized …
exogenous ethylene, an experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized …