Mesoscopic electrodynamics at metal surfaces: —From quantum-corrected hydrodynamics to microscopic surface-response formalism
Plasmonic phenomena in metals are commonly explored within the framework of classical
electrodynamics and semiclassical models for the interactions of light with free-electron …
electrodynamics and semiclassical models for the interactions of light with free-electron …
Free‐electron optical nonlinearities in plasmonic nanostructures: a review of the hydrodynamic description
Requirements of integrated photonics and miniaturisation of optical devices demand
efficient nonlinear components not constrained by conventional macroscopic nonlinear …
efficient nonlinear components not constrained by conventional macroscopic nonlinear …
Quantum hydrodynamic theory for plasmonics: Impact of the electron density tail
Multiscale plasmonic systems (eg, extended metallic nanostructures with subnanometer
inter-distances) play a key role in the development of next-generation nanophotonic …
inter-distances) play a key role in the development of next-generation nanophotonic …
Nature of the anomalous size dependence of resonance red shifts in ultrafine plasmonic nanoparticles
Plasmonic red shifts of nanoparticles are commonly used in imaging technologies to probe
the character of local environments, and the understanding of their dependence on size …
the character of local environments, and the understanding of their dependence on size …
Orbital-free methods for plasmonics: Linear response
Plasmonic systems, such as metal nanoparticles, are widely used in different areas of
application, going from biology to photovoltaics. The modeling of the optical response of …
application, going from biology to photovoltaics. The modeling of the optical response of …
Current-dependent potential for nonlocal absorption in quantum hydrodynamic theory
The quantum hydrodynamic theory is a promising method for describing microscopic details
of macroscopic systems. The hydrodynamic equation can be partially obtained from a single …
of macroscopic systems. The hydrodynamic equation can be partially obtained from a single …
Plasmon-enhanced resonant photoemission using atomically thick dielectric coatings
X ** in hybrid plasmonics
The Landau dam** (LD) mechanism of the localized surface plasmon (LSP) decay is
studied for the hybrid nanoplasmonic (metal core/dielectric shell) structures. It is shown that …
studied for the hybrid nanoplasmonic (metal core/dielectric shell) structures. It is shown that …
Quantum hydrodynamic model for noble metal nanoplasmonics
The quantum hydrodynamic model (QHDM) has become a versatile and efficient tool for
plasmonics at nanometer and even subnanometer length scales, but the theory is principally …
plasmonics at nanometer and even subnanometer length scales, but the theory is principally …