A review on the Mullins effect
The Mullins effect remains a major challenge in order to provide good mechanical modeling
of the complex behavior of industrial rubber materials. It has been forty years since Mullins …
of the complex behavior of industrial rubber materials. It has been forty years since Mullins …
The mechanical behavior of skin: Structures and models for the finite element analysis
Soft biological tissues are complex materials with a large structural variety, with differences
in behavior, but with some common characteristics. Skin is an archetypal soft tissue which …
in behavior, but with some common characteristics. Skin is an archetypal soft tissue which …
Challenges in multiscale modeling of polymer dynamics
The mechanical and physical properties of polymeric materials originate from the interplay of
phenomena at different spatial and temporal scales. As such, it is necessary to adopt …
phenomena at different spatial and temporal scales. As such, it is necessary to adopt …
A review of physically based and thermodynamically based constitutive models for soft materials
In this paper, we review constitutive models for soft materials. We specifically focus on
physically based models accounting for hyperelasticity, visco-hyperelasticity, and damage …
physically based models accounting for hyperelasticity, visco-hyperelasticity, and damage …
[HTML][HTML] Stretch-induced softening in filled elastomers: A review on Mullins effect related anisotropy and thermally induced recovery
The Mullins effect of filled elastomers, corresponding to their softening under stretching, has
been widely explored and several models have been proposed to reproduce it. However …
been widely explored and several models have been proposed to reproduce it. However …
A multiscale model for the multiaxial anisotropic damage of double-network gels
Double-network (DN) gels possess exceptional mechanical properties and hold great
promise as innovative soft materials due to their peculiar inherent structure made of a first …
promise as innovative soft materials due to their peculiar inherent structure made of a first …
A general continuum damage model for soft composites
Soft composites, including filled rubbers, nanocomposite gels, double network hydrogels,
and multiple network elastomers, all exhibit stress-softening behavior in loading–unloading …
and multiple network elastomers, all exhibit stress-softening behavior in loading–unloading …
[HTML][HTML] A network evolution model for the anisotropic Mullins effect in carbon black filled rubbers
To the best of our knowledge, there are no constitutive models that properly describe
experimental data on anisotropy of the Mullins effect. In this paper, such a micro-mechanical …
experimental data on anisotropy of the Mullins effect. In this paper, such a micro-mechanical …
A damage directional constitutive model for Mullins effect with permanent set and induced anisotropy
A stress softening, commonly known as the Mullins effect, is observed usually in filled
rubberlike materials after the first load. Experimental observations have shown that the …
rubberlike materials after the first load. Experimental observations have shown that the …
A review on the mullins effect in tough elastomers and gels
Tough elastomers and gels have garnered broad research interest due to their wide-ranging
potential applications. However, during the loading and unloading cycles, a clear stress …
potential applications. However, during the loading and unloading cycles, a clear stress …