Sex offender management policies and evidence-based recommendations for registry reform
JS Levenson - Current Psychiatry Reports, 2018 - Springer
Abstract Purpose of Review The goal of this paper is to improve evidence-based sex
offender management systems through an understanding of the research findings related to …
offender management systems through an understanding of the research findings related to …
[SÁCH][B] Imperfect victims: Criminalized survivors and the promise of abolition feminism
L Goodmark - 2023 - books.google.com
A profound, compelling argument for abolition feminism—to protect criminalized survivors of
gender-based violence, we must dismantle the carceral system. Since the 1970s, anti …
gender-based violence, we must dismantle the carceral system. Since the 1970s, anti …
Sex offender residence restrictions and sex crimes against children: A comprehensive review
J Savage, C Windsor - Aggression and violent behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of the empirical evidence related to the
effectiveness of residence restrictions imposed on sex offenders for preventing sex crimes …
effectiveness of residence restrictions imposed on sex offenders for preventing sex crimes …
Might informative media reporting of sexual offending influence community members' attitudes towards sex offenders?
The media represents one of the main sources of public information about sexual offending.
However, the media sensationalises sexual crimes through its focus on exceptional cases …
However, the media sensationalises sexual crimes through its focus on exceptional cases …
The effect and implications of sex offender residence restrictions: Evidence from a two‐state evaluation
Research Summary We evaluated the efficacy of sex offender residence restrictions in
Michigan and Missouri using a quasi‐experimental design with propensity score matching …
Michigan and Missouri using a quasi‐experimental design with propensity score matching …
The efficacy of county-level sex offender residence restrictions in New York
KM Socia - Crime & Delinquency, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
Residence restrictions seek to protect community members from registered sex offenders
(RSOs) reentering society following incarceration. These policies, first passed in 1995 at the …
(RSOs) reentering society following incarceration. These policies, first passed in 1995 at the …
Hidden challenges: Sex offenders legislated into homelessness
JS Levenson - Journal of Social Work, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Zoning laws that prevent sex offenders from living within close proximity to schools and other
places where children congregate have proliferated over the past 10 years. In many …
places where children congregate have proliferated over the past 10 years. In many …
Where for art thou? Transient sex offenders and residence restrictions
The purpose of this study was to better understand transient (homeless) sex offenders in the
context of residence restriction laws. Using the entire population of registered sex offenders …
context of residence restriction laws. Using the entire population of registered sex offenders …
“Brothers Under the Bridge” Factors Influencing the Transience of Registered Sex Offenders in Florida
The transience of registered sex offenders (RSOs) is a major impediment to reentry success,
particularly because it has been linked to increased absconding and recidivism, and thus …
particularly because it has been linked to increased absconding and recidivism, and thus …
'Nobody worries about our children': Unseen impacts of sex offender registration on families with school-age children and implications for desistance
The current paper presents findings from a qualitative study using a web-based survey (n=
58) and open-ended interviews (n= 19) to investigate the impact of sex offender law and …
58) and open-ended interviews (n= 19) to investigate the impact of sex offender law and …