A roadmap for tailoring the strength and ductility of ferritic/martensitic T91 steel via thermo-mechanical treatment
Abstract Ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels with high strength and excellent ductility are
important candidate materials for the life extension of the current nuclear reactors and the …
important candidate materials for the life extension of the current nuclear reactors and the …
Homogeneous elasto-plastic deformation and improved strain compatibility between austenite and ferrite in a co-precipitation hardened medium Mn steel with …
Y Li, W Li, N Min, H Liu, X ** - International Journal of Plasticity, 2020 - Elsevier
A co-precipitation hardened medium-Mn steel with respective NiAl and Cu-rich particles in
dual phases (austenite and ferrite) has been designed by using a quenching-partitioning …
dual phases (austenite and ferrite) has been designed by using a quenching-partitioning …
Cryogenic mechanical behaviors of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
W Fu, W Zheng, Y Huang, F Guo, S Jiang, P Xue… - Materials Science and …, 2020 - Elsevier
The CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy (HEA) exhibits higher yield strength, ultimate strength
and ductility at lower temperature. To further clarify the effect of the testing temperature on …
and ductility at lower temperature. To further clarify the effect of the testing temperature on …
Microstructure and residual stress in functionally graded 316L stainless steel/Inconel 625 alloys fabricated by direct energy deposition
Functionally graded materials (FGMs) provide a unique solution to combine distinct
properties within a single component to enhance its overall performance. Understanding the …
properties within a single component to enhance its overall performance. Understanding the …
Modeling Investigations and Analysis of Temperature Dependent Yield Strength of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Superalloys Considering the Effect of Dislocations …
P Dong, X Zhang, Y Ma, Y He, J Yang, W Li… - Metals and Materials …, 2024 - Springer
In this study, firstly, starting from the effect on material yield, an equivalent relationship
between dislocation climbing activation energy, thermal energy, and elastic deformation …
between dislocation climbing activation energy, thermal energy, and elastic deformation …
In situ neutron diffraction reveals the effect of Cu micro-alloying on low-temperature tensile properties of TWIP steels
High manganese steels are emerging as promising structural materials for cryogenic
applications due to their low production cost and great potential in achieving excellent …
applications due to their low production cost and great potential in achieving excellent …
[HTML][HTML] Radiation tolerant nanocrystalline ZrN films under high dose heavy-ion irradiations
ZrN, a refractory ceramic material, finds many potential applications in advanced nuclear
reactors. However, the grain size dependent radiation response in nanocrystalline (nc) ZrN …
reactors. However, the grain size dependent radiation response in nanocrystalline (nc) ZrN …
Experimental and numerical investigation of the strain response of the filament wound pressure vessels subjected to pressurization test
H Bai, B Yang, H Hui, Y Yang, Q Yu, Z Zhou… - Polymer …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This article presents the strain response of glass fiber reinforced epoxy matrix pressure
vessels subjected to pressurization test. Three filament wound composite pressure vessels …
vessels subjected to pressurization test. Three filament wound composite pressure vessels …
Temperature and grain size dependent plastic instability and strain rate sensitivity of ultrafine grained austenitic Fe–14Cr–16Ni alloy
In this study temperature and grain size dependent plastic instability and strain rate
sensitivity (SRS) were investigated for coarse grained (CG) and ultrafine grained (UFG) …
sensitivity (SRS) were investigated for coarse grained (CG) and ultrafine grained (UFG) …
ШН Исроилов, ЭЭУ Чориев - Universum: технические науки, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Размерность задачи трехмерная. Известно, что для экспериментальных испытаний на
растяжение применяются плоские образцы. В рамках численного моделирование …
растяжение применяются плоские образцы. В рамках численного моделирование …