Why is music therapeutic for neurological disorders? The Therapeutic Music Capacities Model
Music has cognitive, psychosocial, behavioral and motor benefits for people with
neurological disorders such as dementia, stroke, Parkinson's disease (PD) and Autism …
neurological disorders such as dementia, stroke, Parkinson's disease (PD) and Autism …
Reviewing the effectiveness of music interventions in treating depression
D Leubner, T Hinterberger - Frontiers in psychology, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Depression is a very common mood disorder, resulting in a loss of social function, reduced
quality of life and increased mortality. Music interventions have been shown to be a potential …
quality of life and increased mortality. Music interventions have been shown to be a potential …
Music and social bonding:“self-other” merging and neurohormonal mechanisms
It has been suggested that a key function of music during its development and spread
amongst human populations was its capacity to create and strengthen social bonds amongst …
amongst human populations was its capacity to create and strengthen social bonds amongst …
A review of music and emotion studies: Approaches, emotion models, and stimuli
The field of music and emotion research has grown rapidly and diversified during the last
decade. This has led to a certain degree of confusion and inconsistency between competing …
decade. This has led to a certain degree of confusion and inconsistency between competing …
Music lessons enhance IQ
EG Schellenberg - Psychological science, 2004 - journals.sagepub.com
The idea that music makes you smarter has received considerable attention from scholars
and the media. The present report is the first to test this hypothesis directly with random …
and the media. The present report is the first to test this hypothesis directly with random …
Ideal affect: Cultural causes and behavioral consequences
JL Tsai - Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2007 - journals.sagepub.com
Most research focuses on actual affect, or the affective states that people actually feel. In this
article, I demonstrate the importance and utility of studying ideal affect, or the affective states …
article, I demonstrate the importance and utility of studying ideal affect, or the affective states …
[CARTE][B] An introduction to audio content analysis: Music Information Retrieval tasks and applications
A Lerch - 2022 - books.google.com
An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Enables readers to understand the algorithmic
analysis of musical audio signals with AI-driven approaches An Introduction to Audio …
analysis of musical audio signals with AI-driven approaches An Introduction to Audio …
Music and cognitive abilities
EG Schellenberg - Current Directions in Psychological …, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
Does music make you smarter? Music listening and music lessons have been claimed to
confer intellectual advantages. Any association between music and intellectual functioning …
confer intellectual advantages. Any association between music and intellectual functioning …
[CARTE][B] The social and applied psychology of music
A North, D Hargreaves - 2008 - books.google.com
Music is so ubiquitous that it can be easy to overlook the powerful influence it exerts in so
many areas of our lives-from birth, through childhood, to old age. The Social and Applied …
many areas of our lives-from birth, through childhood, to old age. The Social and Applied …
[CARTE][B] Psychology for musicians: Understanding and acquiring the skills
What is it that accounts for the differences between musical beginners, advanced music
makers, and world class performers? Virtually everyone likes music and has the capacity to …
makers, and world class performers? Virtually everyone likes music and has the capacity to …