Phase plane analysis of small amplitude electron-acoustic supernonlinear and nonlinear waves in magnetized plasmas
Phase plane analysis of small amplitude electron-acoustic supernonlinear and nonlinear
waves in a magnetized nonextensive electron-ion plasma is examined. These electron …
waves in a magnetized nonextensive electron-ion plasma is examined. These electron …
Dynamical behavior of supernonlinear positron-acoustic periodic waves and chaos in nonextensive electron-positron-ion plasmas
Propagation of nonlinear and supernonlinear positron-acoustic periodic waves is examined
in an electron-positron-ion plasma composed of static positive ions, mobile cold positrons …
in an electron-positron-ion plasma composed of static positive ions, mobile cold positrons …
Oblique propagation of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma
The properties of obliquely propagating ion-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of
ambient magnetic field have been investigated theoretically in an electron-positron-ion …
ambient magnetic field have been investigated theoretically in an electron-positron-ion …
Analysis of Cairns-Tsallis distribution for oblique drift solitary waves in a rotating electron-positron-ion magneto-plasma
The hybrid Cairns-Tsallis distribution is applied to study the linear and nonlinear
characteristics of ion coupled drift waves in electron-positron-ion plasma with the effect of …
characteristics of ion coupled drift waves in electron-positron-ion plasma with the effect of …
Ion acoustic shock and solitary waves in highly relativistic plasmas with nonextensive electrons and positrons
The Korteweg-de Vries Burgers (KdVB)-like equation is derived to study the characteristics
of nonlinear propagation of ion acoustic solitions in a highly relativistic plasma containing …
of nonlinear propagation of ion acoustic solitions in a highly relativistic plasma containing …
Dynamic structures of nonlinear ion acoustic waves in a nonextensive electron–positron–ion plasma
The dynamic structures of ion acoustic waves in an unmagnetized plasma with q-
nonextensive electrons and positrons are investigated applying the bifurcation theory of …
nonextensive electrons and positrons are investigated applying the bifurcation theory of …
Transport coefficients in Lorentz plasmas with the power-law kappa-distribution
D Jiulin - Physics of Plasmas, 2013 -
Transport coefficients in Lorentz plasma with the power-law κ-distribution are studied by
means of using the transport equation and macroscopic laws of Lorentz plasma without …
means of using the transport equation and macroscopic laws of Lorentz plasma without …
The nonextensive parameter for nonequilibrium electron gas in an electromagnetic field
H Yu, J Du - Annals of Physics, 2014 - Elsevier
The nonextensive parameter for nonequilibrium electron gas of the plasma in an
electromagnetic field is studied. We exactly obtained an expression of the q-parameter …
electromagnetic field is studied. We exactly obtained an expression of the q-parameter …
Nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves through the Burgers equation in weakly relativistic plasmas
The Burgers equation is obtained to study the characteristics of nonlinear propagation of
ionacoustic shock, singular kink, and periodic waves in weakly relativistic plasmas …
ionacoustic shock, singular kink, and periodic waves in weakly relativistic plasmas …
Dynamical properties of dust-ion-acoustic wave solutions in a nonextensive collisional dusty plasma
Dynamical properties of dust-ion-acoustic waves (DIAWs) are analysed in a collisional
nonextensive dusty plasma composing of mobile ions, q-nonextensive electrons and …
nonextensive dusty plasma composing of mobile ions, q-nonextensive electrons and …