Phase plane analysis of small amplitude electron-acoustic supernonlinear and nonlinear waves in magnetized plasmas

J Tamang, A Abdikian, A Saha - Physica Scripta, 2020 -
Phase plane analysis of small amplitude electron-acoustic supernonlinear and nonlinear
waves in a magnetized nonextensive electron-ion plasma is examined. These electron …

Dynamical behavior of supernonlinear positron-acoustic periodic waves and chaos in nonextensive electron-positron-ion plasmas

J Tamang, A Saha - Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 2019 -
Propagation of nonlinear and supernonlinear positron-acoustic periodic waves is examined
in an electron-positron-ion plasma composed of static positive ions, mobile cold positrons …

Oblique propagation of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma

M Ferdousi, S Sultana, AA Mamun - Physics of Plasmas, 2015 -
The properties of obliquely propagating ion-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of
ambient magnetic field have been investigated theoretically in an electron-positron-ion …

Analysis of Cairns-Tsallis distribution for oblique drift solitary waves in a rotating electron-positron-ion magneto-plasma

M Farooq, A Mushtaq, M Shamir - Physics of Plasmas, 2018 -
The hybrid Cairns-Tsallis distribution is applied to study the linear and nonlinear
characteristics of ion coupled drift waves in electron-positron-ion plasma with the effect of …

Ion acoustic shock and solitary waves in highly relativistic plasmas with nonextensive electrons and positrons

MG Hafez, MR Talukder, M Hossain Ali - Physics of Plasmas, 2016 -
The Korteweg-de Vries Burgers (KdVB)-like equation is derived to study the characteristics
of nonlinear propagation of ion acoustic solitions in a highly relativistic plasma containing …

Dynamic structures of nonlinear ion acoustic waves in a nonextensive electron–positron–ion plasma

UN Ghosh, A Saha, N Pal, P Chatterjee - Journal of Theoretical and …, 2015 - Springer
The dynamic structures of ion acoustic waves in an unmagnetized plasma with q-
nonextensive electrons and positrons are investigated applying the bifurcation theory of …

Transport coefficients in Lorentz plasmas with the power-law kappa-distribution

D Jiulin - Physics of Plasmas, 2013 -
Transport coefficients in Lorentz plasma with the power-law κ-distribution are studied by
means of using the transport equation and macroscopic laws of Lorentz plasma without …

The nonextensive parameter for nonequilibrium electron gas in an electromagnetic field

H Yu, J Du - Annals of Physics, 2014 - Elsevier
The nonextensive parameter for nonequilibrium electron gas of the plasma in an
electromagnetic field is studied. We exactly obtained an expression of the q-parameter …

Dynamical properties of dust-ion-acoustic wave solutions in a nonextensive collisional dusty plasma

P Sharma, A Das, J Tamang, A Saha - Journal of Taibah University …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Dynamical properties of dust-ion-acoustic waves (DIAWs) are analysed in a collisional
nonextensive dusty plasma composing of mobile ions, q-nonextensive electrons and …