Toward an efficient C-RAN optical fronthaul for the future networks: A tutorial on technologies, requirements, challenges, and solutions
The exponential traffic growth, demand for high speed wireless data communications, as
well as incessant deployment of innovative wireless technologies, services, and …
well as incessant deployment of innovative wireless technologies, services, and …
New perspectives on future smart FiWi networks: Scalability, reliability, and energy efficiency
Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) network, as an integration of optical fiber network and wireless access
network, has attracted intensive research interest and enjoyed significant growth in its …
network, has attracted intensive research interest and enjoyed significant growth in its …
[КНИГА][B] Lightwave technology: telecommunication systems
GP Agrawal - 2005 - books.google.com
The state of the art of modern lightwave system design Recent advances in lightwave
technology have led to an explosion of high-speed global information systems throughout …
technology have led to an explosion of high-speed global information systems throughout …
Fixed mobile convergence architectures for broadband access: Integration of epon and wimax [topics in optical communications]
EPON and WiMAX are two promising broadband access technologies for new-generation
wired and wireless access. Their complementary features motivate interest in using EPON …
wired and wireless access. Their complementary features motivate interest in using EPON …
Ethernet passive optical network architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms
We compile and classify the research work conducted for Ethernet passive optical networks.
We examine PON architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms. Our …
We examine PON architectures and dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms. Our …
SUCCESS: A next-generation hybrid WDM/TDM optical access network architecture
In this paper, the authors propose a next-generation hybrid WDM/TDM optical access
network architecture called Stanford University aCCESS or SUCCESS. This architecture …
network architecture called Stanford University aCCESS or SUCCESS. This architecture …
A comparison of dynamic bandwidth allocation for EPON, GPON, and next-generation TDM PON
Dynamic bandwidth allocation in passive optical networks presents a key issue for providing
efficient and fair utilization of the PON upstream bandwidth while supporting the QoS …
efficient and fair utilization of the PON upstream bandwidth while supporting the QoS …
Dynamic wavelength and bandwidth allocation in hybrid TDM/WDM EPON networks
We discuss a wavelength-division-multiplexed-based passive-optical-network (PON)
architecture that allows for incremental upgrade from single-channel time-division multiple …
architecture that allows for incremental upgrade from single-channel time-division multiple …
Ethernet PONs: a survey of dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithms
Optical networks are poised to dominate the access network space in coming years.
Ethernet passive optical networks, which leverage the ubiquity of Ethernet at subscriber …
Ethernet passive optical networks, which leverage the ubiquity of Ethernet at subscriber …
WDM Ethernet passive optical networks
WDM EPONs not only allow for cautious pay-as-you-grow upgrades of single-channel TDM
EPONs but also avoid linearly increasing polling cycle times for an increasing number of …
EPONs but also avoid linearly increasing polling cycle times for an increasing number of …